Silent Tears

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The next few days passed peacefully and she came back to the previous version.  Priya and Ram reached the therapy centre in time and sat in a consulting room while waiting for the doctor.

Therapist (with a smile): How're you both?

Ram (with a smile): we're good. Thanks

Therapist: how's your last week?

Priya: It was an unexpectedly amazing week along with a scary incident and a family reunion and celebration.

Therapist: What incident?

Priya told the whole story including everything about how she lost the road and went inside the jungle after encountering the wild wolves and recuse mission

Therapist (chuckled and smiled): Sounds like you both had a challenging adventure time last week

Ram (frustrated tone): Priya, you didn't tell me the whole thing

Therapist (looked at their face): I want to do something different today. I'll just listen to you both and either of you will ask whatever comes to your mind first 

Ram and Priya were surprised and wondering what they can talk

Ram: Any specific topic?

Therapist: Anything. Priya let's start with you today

Priya (stared at him and paused): I asked you on the incident night and you didn't answer me

Ram: Did you remember? I thought you don't remember anything after drink 

Priya: What will you do if I'll break my promise again

Ram: First tell me about your reaction if I'll break my promise

Priya: I'll be disappointed with you and will stop talking to you.

Last time when I thought you broke your promise about the Shivi-Akki marriage, I was angry with you and went against you and married them in the temple.

I decided to leave you after signing the annulment paper which was a trick from your mom.

Ram: You didn't know the reason behind my decision but still it wasn't the right way to deal with the situation.

 If I can marry a stranger for my sister then how can you think that I want to use my sister for a mere business deal? I told you I've my own reason but you never stop throwing stones at me.  You never said sorry for this yet.

Priya: I broke your trust and you forgave me and gave another chance to our marriage. But I wasn't guilty of taking the wrong step to correct your wrong decision.

Ram (with a dejected posture): Your problem is you don't want to discuss before taking any decision and jump to conclusions even without knowing the full truth.

You can't judge people based on your assumption and without solid proof. Everyone is different and you can't accuse them without knowing them. It hurts even though they don't voice it.

There was a silence for a moment and Priya broke it

Priya: You react just the opposite, observe your surrounding silently. you watch and listen to everything and everyone and analyse things before coming to conclusion. Then you open your mouth for the final verdict which no one has any option to defend.

(giggled ) Clever man. After all, a famous Businessman in Bandra

Ram ( with a smirk): It's important to hold your fire and be prepared yourself, wait for the final moment to strike rather than create chaos in everyone's life by blank firing.

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