Dragon's Den

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I'm frustrated with the current track with planning/plotting from Nandini and Vedika, can't tolerate them, and no closure to any track. so decided to change my story to expose Nandini and her evil plan first. Priya needs to know the true color of Nandini

Sorry in advance as there won't be sweet and lovely moments between Raya but rather a constraint relation. But the end will be beautiful as we all wanted to cherish it.


It was Sunday morning, Ram went to the clinic with Adi for checkup and medical tests as per the doctor's recommendation.

Sara and Sandy came to KM to see Ram and Priya. Mami saw them first in the living room and started her drama and bad mouth on Sood while Nandini entered the room after hearing the loud voice. 

Nandini sat on the couch silently and observed them without interfering with her Bhabhi as she was firing them at gunpoint. Nandini got a piece of information as a joker card in this game and it would be enough against Priya.

Priya started batting for her family as she can't let anyone insult them for her father's crime.

Nandini got off and stood in front of Priya and asked the staff for privacy.

Sara: whispered to Sandy, I think we're in the wrong time and wrong place.

Sandy: Whispered back, we're in Dragon's den Di. Any moment this dragon will burn us alive. I don't expect any mercy from here, the evil eyes gazed at us.

Nandini: Priya, I didn't say anything when I came to know that your family was involved in my husband's accident. 

Priya: Mom, I'm sorry for my father and understand your anger.

Nandini: You're Ram's wife but that doesn't mean I'll give leverage to all Soods and forgive them. I don't want to keep any relationship with your family or entertain them at my house. 

Priya: This is my husband's house and so is mine. I'm not defending my father or BIL, but my sisters and mother have no role in that incident. You can't judge them on the same stick.

This has enraged Nandini and hit her ego, she won't stop until throws Priya out of KM. 

Nandini: Priya, you have to choose between Sood and Kapoor families, you can't mingle with both families anymore. 

It's your choice whether you want to stay with Ram and us or wanted to go back to your family. 

Priya: Mom, you can't punish me for it, keep me away from my family.

Nandini: Priya, you didn't do anything wrong rather just got bad blood. I can't tolerate your family being close to us, not even their shadow

Sara: Sorry Priya, I shouldn't have come here and made your life more difficult. We need to remember that family dynamics have been changed. It will affect your and Ram's life. 

Priya is afraid of the coming storm which will be the biggest test for their relationship. Every new day brings unknown hurdles for them.

Ram saw both Sara and Sandy but they left immediately. He heard Nandini's voice from outside and went inside. Nandini looked at him with crocodile tears

Nandini: Ram, I know you love Priya and will forgive her family. I don't have any issue with Priya but I can't accept Sood because I loved my husband a lot. 

Ram: I understand your anger but Priya and Soods are innocent and they are also victims of MS.

Nandini: Ram, I want just one thing, Ram's wife has to cut off all kinds of relationships inside and outside the KM with VK's murderer's family.

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