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Ram came to the room and settled down Priya in bed first and gave the headache medicine to her. Priya held his wrist and asked him to sit down a bit. Ram sat down close to her while she was holding his hand tightly. He gave her tranquility with a soft kiss on the head top and a sweet little talk. He gave her a little head massage while talking random stuff. He was gently caressing her until she fall asleep. He switched off the light before going out of the room.

He sat in the bar with a drink and thought about today's incident. He needs to go to the bottom of this, it could be dangerous for his family and friends as well.  Adi joined him in a few minutes.  

Adi: Why didn't you tell the truth to everyone? I'd seen there was no number plate on the back of the car. We need to talk to the police and arrange your protection first. It could be a conspiracy by any business rival. We have a new unknown enemy who wants to kill you.

Ram: Everybody is already tense and worried about the incident. Let's discuss this in the office and keep this ourselves for now. I don't want anyone to know about this, especially Priya. You'd seen Priya's vulnerable condition, she is still in that trauma. They all were panicked when it seems to be an accident. How will they feel and react if they found that it was a deliberated action? I want them to enjoy this trip without any stress. So please no more discussion on it.

Adi: okay Ram. One thing I would like to talk about. 

Ram took a sip and nodded his head to Adi to carry on.

Adi: You accept it or not but Priya has changed a lot and she is your true soulmate in every sense. She saved your life twice and cares for you a lot. You lived your whole life for everyone but it's time to think about you and Priya. Just focus on this new bonding and work out between you two.

Ram: I don't think there is much left to talk or think about myself. Everything is complicated between us, I'm okay with our current equation.

Adi: You love her and all your happiness is with her. Priya is the perfect partner for you, she will love you selflessly, more than you expected. Don't get disheartened, hold it tightly 

Ram: We care for each other but there is less place for any other emotion in our relationship as per our promise. She has reminded me of this recently. I'm bewildered to see Priya's reaction today though. I'm not expecting anything from this relationship, not even trust. I preferred to go with the flow.

Bri listened to Ram's last statement and came there.

Bri: Jaan, can't you see that Priya likes you and her life is around you now. Maybe she is in a denial state or confused about her feeling. I can see how much effort she is putting into this marriage. Priya stepped forward towards you and on other hand, you're holding yourself back. 

Adi: Your relationship is like one is taking 2 steps forward and the other is taking 5 steps back. 

Bri: You like to spend time with her and wanted to stay close to her. Your heart wanted to stay close to her but your mind is working in a different direction. Now you're trying to distance yourself from her even hesitating to hug or hold her hand. I'd noticed you closely, tell me where is the confusion.

Ram: 2 reasons for this, first I don't want her to choose between her family and me in the future. Family is a priority for Priya Sood and she is the backbone of the entire family. I don't want to make her life harder or make her weak. Secondly, it will not hurt her if we get separated in the future for some reason. I don't want to intertwine her in this marriage but rather give her leverage so that she can leave me if wanted without a clobber.

Bri: why do you think she will leave you? she is happy with you and we all can see this. You never think about negative consequences rather look for the positive side of things.

Ram: I knew her strength and weakness. Her trust in me is very fragile and can easily break with a hit of a small pebble. she prefers to run away and avoid the situation instead of fighting with me. I'll not stop her if she decided to walkway from my life. I'm mentally preparing myself for the worst possible scenario in this marriage.

Bri: You're overthinking, it's your fear that resurfaced and not letting you move on. I understand your agitation but I would say give her another chance and yourself before shutting the door.

Adi: Happiness is at your door finally and if you don't open up then you will lose it forever. Think about it. Good night. Adi and Bri went to sleep.

Ram asking to himself, is it possible to break our promise and move forward in our marriage. will she be ok with it? she might feel that if I break this promise in a few months then how will she trust me for a lifetime commitment. I won't be a trustworthy person to her. She will never trust me.

Priya woke up in the early hour of 4 am and found that Ram is not in the room but rather sitting in the conservatory area.

Ram: Priya, you wake up so early. are you ok? do you need anything?

Priya: You first answer me, what are you doing here? did you sleep last night?

Ram: Actually, I couldn't sleep so decided to utilize this time in a better way. I'm about to go.

Priya: enough, come with me and sleep.

Ram: I'm all most done and will take another 10 min or so. I'll join you, you please go.

Priya: I'll wait here and we will go together.

Ram: Priya being Priya. let's go. I'll finish it later. you shouldn't come here, you need proper rest. Have you seen yourself, look so weak and tired

They both went to the room and settled down on their side. 

Ram: Do you need water or something? there is no water in the room.

Priya: Oh yes please, I'm thirsty.

Ram went down to fill the water jug and gave a glass of water to Priya.

Priya: you're thinking about everyone but you need to take care of your health as well. The way you're going, it won't be very long before you will fall sick again. You need to balance your work and personal life, then only your mind and body will work better and your health will improve.

Ram: you know that I can't sleep at night properly and it will take time to change my bad habit. Actually, this is the best time to concentrate on work without any disturbance and it helped me distract from my random thoughts as well.

Priya: you can share your feeling or thoughts, anything with me whenever you want. Maybe I can help you. You think, I never missed an opportunity to disparage you. I'm not the same Priya now.

Ram: You have your sack of problems along with your family. I don't want to put any extra burden on you or give you any more stress.

Priya: Friends share their problems and feeling with each other. I know you share everything with Adi and Bri, I can't be like them but at least we can initiate it.

Ram: Thanks for your concern. I'll come and share my problem with you next time if needed.

Priya: We have married not just to share the room, we can share our emotions and problems.

Ram: Agreed, It's already 5 am, let's take a quick nap. We need to be mentally fit for our next adventure, You can expect the wildest thing from Bri.

Ram was thinking about Priya while laying down in bed. What does she want? is she really happy with me now? will she be able to trust me enough?

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