Wrapped up in cotton wool

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It was a busy Monday but Ram came back from the office a bit early as he had a business trip the next day. Priya came to the room and saw that Ram was busy on a call.

Ram: I can't go to Bangalore on Thursday due to a tight schedule and we need to rearrange it for next week. Let me check tomorrow and I'll confirm the meeting date and time.

Priya and Ram both had a small discussion before sleep that night.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, are you going somewhere?

Ram: Yes, I'll go to Delhi tomorrow and I will be back on Thursday. Another trip in the pipeline.

Priya: It looks like you're supercharged after vacation and picking all pending work in one go.

Ram: Not really, we need to find a plot for Shubu's new project. Mr. Khurana found a nice plot in a prime location in Bangalore and was asking me to go there to finalize it. The problem is that I can't go due to a tight schedule and Adi and Vicky both are busy with another project. I'll be back on Friday and I don't know what to do.

Priya: In that case why don't you ask Shubu to go there and finalize the land himself.

Ram: It's a good idea but not sure if he is ready for this. I don't want to put pressure on him.

Priya: Shubu needs to run his business. You won't be there always to help him. He needs to take responsibility with your guidance and support. You need to share the workload with him.

Ram: Shubu is not old enough to take responsibility and lets him enjoy his life as long as I can manage it.

Priya: You need to mentor Shubham, not mollycoddle at the office. Giving liberty is good but overindulging is bad for his growth. He needs to learn the work from you and that's how he will be a good businessman like you.

Ram: There was no guidance or support when I started my business apart from my friends by my side. I had to work relentlessly and vigorously due to family responsibilities and never had a chance to think about myself or look back in the last 15 years. I'll settle everything so that there will be less hassle on his path and guide him. He is not ready for this and I need to wait until he is capable enough to handle the workload by himself.

Priya: He needs to start at some point, then why not today. People say if you really want to help a starving person then don't give a fish, rather teach him fishing so that he can feed himself.

Ram: You're right. He was very young when dad left us and I want to give him breathing time to indulge in his life before pulling up his shocks. I'll engage him in the business in a subtle way going forward. He needs to start slowly for his bright future.

Priya: *With a smile* You need to take breaks more often because that way Shubu will be responsible and at the same time your body will get rest.

Ram: I wish I could. I've tons of responsibilities and I can't relax and enjoy myself.

Priya: You need to find a balance between family and work life. Otherwise, you will find yourself in hospital soon.

Ram: I'll take a long break once everything settles down here and will think about myself. One day, I'll leave this busy hectic life and will stay somewhere close to the mountain with a panoramic view from footsteps, and fulfill all my dreams.

Priya: nice retirement plan, who will take care of your business then?

Ram: of course, it will be Shubu and Adi. For now, I'll work and manage everything and let him enjoy life.

Priya: For this, you need to put the foundation for Shubu before it's too late. If you keep him wrapped up in cotton wool, he'll never learn to be independent.

Ram: Agreed. I'm being an overprotective brother and not letting him grow.  I'll talk to Shubu tomorrow morning. It's getting late, I've got an early flight tomorrow. Good night

The next morning, Ram went to Shubu's room and asked him to go to Bangalore and finalize the plot, hope it's ok with you? I'll ask Kunal to arrange everything for you and no need to worry about it as Mr. Khurana will take care of everything there. Just go and present there.

Shubu: okay Bhai

Priya was happy to see that Ram is actually sharing his work with Shubu now and they exchanged smiles.

Ram: Priya, Shubu agreed to go without any question. You're right. thanks

Shubu heard their conversation and thought that Priya bhabhi biased Ram Bhai to send me to Bangalore. I'm not a fool to listen and get manipulated by others like Bhai. I'll not waste my life inside the office cabin. 

Ram headed to the airport after breakfast before Shubu could inform him about his decision. Priya was feeling lonely at KM so she decided to stay at Meera maa's house for 2 days. They had only one call and exchanged messages only. They both were missing each other. 

Ram tried to finish all the legal work quickly so that he can return home early. Ram was thinking about the farmhouse trip and their sweet moments. Ram in his mind saying I will ask Priya to go out this weekend and will spend some quality time together. It has to be just me and her. Ram decided not to call her but rather give a surprise to her with an early return. 

Ram came back home on Thursday evening time 6 pm and he was drained due to his hectic schedule and travel. Ram gave a side hug to Priya with a smile and was relieved to see her face. She was overwhelmed by his surprise. Now she is not alone in KM. He got refreshed quickly and Priya got the snacks for him. He received a call from Mr. Khurana while enjoying Priya's company along with food.

Mr. Khurana: Mr. Kapoor, I was waiting for Shubham the whole afternoon but he didn't come. I've arranged the accommodation and everything for tomorrow's meeting.

Ram: I was out of town and just back now. Let me find out if his flight is delayed or any other issue.

Ram called Shubu's mobile number but no response and went down to check with Nandini mom. Nandini informed him that Shubu has went out of town to attend a friend's party.

Ram: He could have informed me. He was supposed to attend an important meeting tomorrow in Bangalore.

Nandini: Sorry Ram, I didn't know that otherwise, I would have stopped him.

Ram came upstairs without saying anything and got ready quickly, He called Adi to arrange the charter flight asap so that he can go to Bangalore immediately.

Priya: can't you send someone else to go and attend the meeting?

Ram: No one would be available with short notice. It's Shubu's project and I'll manage it.

Priya: Where is Shubu?

Ram: He is out of town to attend a party. Please don't start again. I'm getting late. I knew it, he won't go. Don't know why did I listen to you.

Priya: He is immature and irresponsible, that's not my fault

Ram: Please stop your lecture, I'm not interested. Ram left the room with anger and she remained quiet.

Ram attended the meeting in Bangalore and finalized the plot for the project and came back to Mumbai on Friday night. Ram reached home by 10 pm night and he looked tired and exhausted due to a long day. He slumped into bed after changing his clothes. Ram slept immediately due to tiredness before Priya could bring the dinner. Priya was sad as they didn't talk to each other after that argument. Priya is helpless to see his situation, she tried to reduce his workload but all went wrong. Priya slept on her side without having dinner as well. 

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