You're A DreamCatcher

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They enjoyed the evening by watching a romantic comedy movie after dinner and holding each other.  She dozed off peacefully in his embrace with her head between his chest and right arm and hand gripped around his torso. 

But sleep was far away from him after hearing about her past, he witnessed her worst vulnerable state which was still bothering him. 

The smile on his lips when thought about their love confession but he desperately wanted to help her and heal her wound with his love. 

When he woke up late in the morning, the bed was vacant and he stormed into the bathroom to get ready.

Priya came to the room to call him when he was standing near the wardrobe and getting ready. Suddenly heat rushed into her body and her face turned tomato, she never saw him shirtless. He took off his towel after putting on his pants ad turned around before putting on his shirt and saw her.

Priya: Sorry, I came here to call you for breakfast. You get ready, I'll go out

Ram (with a smirk): Don't go outside, I need 2 min only. We'll go together

Priya nodded her head and looked at everything except him

Ram (with a smirk): Jaan, are you embarrassed? 

He pulled her closer and landed on his chest. He kissed her cheek and rubbed his beard gently on her cheek which gave a ticklish effect on her body.

Ram (looked at her face and winked): My darling, this is just a trailer, get used to it

He trailed his lips on the nape of her neck ad hands on her waist. His wet hair dripped on her neck which ignited her desire and wanted to feel his lips on her more. 

Ram (kissed near the lip corner to tease her): I'm only yours

Priya gathered her courage and leaned towards his face, she kissed him while his back rested on the wardrobe door. 

Ram flipped and pinned her behind the wardrobe door, reciprocated her kiss passionately and whispered softly near her ear 'I love you Jaan'.

Priya: I love you too

Ram was reluctant to touch her chest but she pulled his hand towards her bosom. He gently feel it and pressed it on top of the dress and giving her new pleasure. 

This time she kissed him with full desire and pain holding her for a long time. She was dominating their kiss and pouring her pure love without thinking much. She slipped her tongue to taste every corner of him until they were out of breath and touched their forehead. 

Ram: Promise me, you will give me a morning kiss every day without any excuse 

Priya: Promise me that you'll give me a good night kiss even if you're upset with me 

They both nodded their head to make this their daily ritual of new life. 

Priya: You've changed my life and me completely. You're a dreamcatcher who makes me believe in a fairytale story.

Ram:  You're my everything. I want only you. Your smile and happiness are my priority 

Priya (composed herself ): Let's go down for breakfast 

Ram (winked at her): Okay, let's go. We'll continue this at night

They both had their breakfast together and the smile on their lips lingered. Their mind was occupied with the bedroom sweet moment.

Ram: Priya, go get ready, we'll go out

Priya: Where?

Ram: Did you forget that it's weekend? It's a crime to stay at home.  

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