Go Getter

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Priya and Adi both were silent with teary eyes, they can't express their happiness.

Priya: It's you Adi, whose voice finally reached to Mr. Kapoor's heart. Your touch and tear overwhelmed and he showed some sign of hope to us and tried to wake up. Ram loves you a lot more than anyone here. His heart can feel you and listen to you even in a coma state. Please just stay close to him and talk to him more, he might open his eye to see you.

Adi: can't wait to share it with our friends.

Priya: Adi, I feel you're his true family and no one can take your place in his heart. not even me 

Within a few days, Ram came out of a coma and everybody was very happy. They shared a big hug with him. Priya's face lit up and was overwhelmed after seeing Ram's smile.

Adi: Ram my bro, Welcome back

Doctor: This is a new life Mr. Kapoor, you are lucky to survive that accident. We'll send you home in a few weeks after full recovery. Good day, Mr. Kapoor.

Nandini came to the hospital to see Ram and showered her fake love and affection on him. 

Ram was getting the best treatment and care in the hospital and recovering faster now. Ram's gang was there with him to cheer up his mode and kept him engaging the whole time.

Priya resumed her job but every day went to the hospital to meet Ram and spent the night there. Ram couldn't able to speak with Priya much, either he slept or someone else was present when she came to the hospital. There was a subtle change in Priya's behavior with everyone and it didn't go unnoticed by Ram. He confronted her one day.

Ram: Is there anything wrong? 

Priya: Everything is fine now. You're back and can't express my happiness.

Ram: Held her wrist, the only thing that I wished after that accident was to see you for the last time. You came there and saved me again. Thank you is a small word for it.

Priya: I have done it because you're like an outlet where I can get out my anger, frustration, or hurt. Also, I can taunt you round the clock.

Ram: you mean I'm your punching bag 

Priya: a therapist who healed my old scar and open the door for a new life

Ram: I thought you were avoiding me for some reason, your behavior is not the same

Priya: Nothing like that, I took 6 weeks of leave from college. Now I've to go to college and cover the lectures and also go to the bakery in the afternoon. So I'm tired and overloaded with work.

Ram: Sorry, it's all because of me. Please take a rest, your face looks pale. No need to come to the hospital every day. Whenever you have spare time come otherwise we can have the video call. Just a few more days, after that I'll be with you at home.

They were interrupted by the nurse and Priya left the room. Ram knew that there is something else that Priya didn't tell him. She seems to be lost and stressed. It could be due to my accident or my family spitted unpleasant things to her. 

Ram's antics and exuberant nature made the hospital more pleasant. Doctors and nurses were delighted by this charming and vivacious man. Ram was recovering faster with his spirit. 

On a Sunday afternoon, Ram's gang gathered and enjoyed their time with Ram. They did leg-pulling each other.

Adi: On a serious note, you owe us to explain what's happened that day

Bri: Jaan, You are crazy! police could handle the situation and you shouldn't take any risk.

Bri can't stop crying now with the scared of losing Ram. Ram hugged her 

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