Wake-up Call

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Ram came back home early as per Priya's request and they had dinner together happily. Ram went to another room to attend a video call and came back to his room around 1 am.

Ram: Priya, you're still awake. I thought you'll be in your La-La land by now.

Priya: I'm waiting for you. Why are you entertaining your client at this late hour?

Ram: They are from different time zone and I've to be flexible to run the business. 

Priya: They're working on their working hour and you need to do the same. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Don't you know that?

Ram: You know I can't sleep at this hour so better to do the productive work. You should happy that your husband is efficient at his work at least. I don't know what else I will do other than office work at this time.

Priya: If you can't sleep straightway then we can talk and share our thoughts. There is a limit on everything how much you will accommodate clients or fulfill the family's unreasonable demands.

Ram: I'm committed to fulfilling their desires and demands, that's what I meant to be

Priya: You are so used to being used that you allow clients and family to exploit you heavily without realizing it. It's all your fault and it's giving unnecessary stress and health scar. Nothing else. You will follow a normal routine like other people, dinner by 10 pm and go to bed by 12 am max.

Ram: Okay Boss. Do you think that I'm weak and let everyone run over me?

Priya: Having a soft heart in this world is a sign of courage, not weakness. This is the main difference between you and others. 

Mr. Kapoor, do you think I'm interfering in your life too much?

Ram: He held her hand and said no Priya, you've all rights over me as a wife and can take any decision for me. 

Priya: With a low voice I know you're not like others but I'm too scared to be hurt by anyone again. My scars are so deep and do not let me accept the new life. 

Ram understood her very well and he gave her a side hug and held her hand gently

Ram: I'm happy with our togetherness and I feel like belong to someone. Take your time as much as you want. I don't need anything more out of life, I've you and that's enough. We need someone to hold our hand and walk us through the life journey. We can get through anything together as long as we trust each other. 

Ram wanted to change the topic as it seems to be a bit serious now.

Priya, do you remember? we discuss a day out this Sunday.

Priya: Actually, I have entrance exam duty in college this Sunday. We can go next Sunday

Ram: We can plan when you're free so that we can enjoy the day fully without any stress.

Priya: It's getting late for me. Let's sleep. Good night

Ram: Good night Priya

The next day, Priya was in Ram's office to check on him when she found out that next week she needs to attend a meeting because she is a partner in Shubhu's company. She went to Ram's cabin

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, please don't attend Shubu's new project meeting and let Shubu handle it on his own. He needs to step in and takes responsibility slowly. 

Ram: He will be furious to know that I'm not joining his meeting or avoiding it. He is not ready for this.

Priya: If you keep shielding him then there is no way he will learn anything, make him independent. Please don't take any stress on it, just trust my words.

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