At A Crossroad

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Priya went to the terrace to sit down after coming back from the bakery. She was waiting for Ram to back from the office. She knows that her husband loves junky food like fritters in this weather. That's why she asked Tarun to prepare some fritters for Ram. There was drizzling rain in the evening but slowly turned out to be heavy later on. She put her hand outside the shed to touch the rain. Suddenly Ram tapped her shoulder gently from the back and went out to enjoy the rain.

Ram: Priya, you come here and enjoy the rain with me. It's beautiful

Priya forwarded her hand without any delay and Ram pulled her gently to get wet in this summer rain.

Ram: I can feel every rain droplet touching my face. Trust me Priya, it has some hidden healing power that carries someone's pain, someone's happiness. I love this cold rain which not only cleanses the darkness of my life but gives solace to my soul.

Ram looked at Priya who was standing a few feet away, she wore a simple salwar suit with no makeup but appeared charming and alluring. He was mesmerized by her beauty and elegance, and cannot keep his eyes off of her. He was drowning in her love and embraced her in his arm. 

Priya was surprised by his move but she melted in an embrace that was filled with pure love. There was no gap between them and they were living in that very moment which brought a smile to her lips as she loved this closeness.

Ram: You are the first thing I want to see after waking up every morning and the last thing I want to see before falling asleep. I want my days always begin and end with you only. 

Their eyes were locked with each other like no one is exist around them. Ram cupped her face and kissed her forehead which made Priya close her eyes to feel his touch. He kissed her cheek which gave a current in her spin. He was about to kiss her lip, he realized his action and stopped himself. Ram said sorry which made Priya open her eyes. He was about to go when she held his hand and looked into his blue eyes.

Priya: no need to say sorry. Being a husband you have all rights over me but you never claim that. I want to confess something to you today

Ram looked into her surprising and bewildering about her reaction

Priya: I've changed completely after you came into my life and you found out the lost Priya inside me. My life was boring before you came around. I started living my life again, laughing and looking at myself in the mirror, keeping my hair open, and enjoying the rain. I love that I can just be myself when I am with you without any hesitation as you won't judge me by my dressing style or look. Nobody in this world makes me happier than you do. You understand my silence, recognize my profound said and unsaid words.

I know how you feel about rain, I feel the same for you. I want to share my whole life with you because you complete me.

Ram: Priya, I told you rain always brings unexpected happiness to my life.

Ram hugged her tightly with his teary eyes and said I love you Priya. I never thought that you will ever feel the same as I do. He kissed her on the lip and she reciprocated him which soaked them with their love. She slowly opens her eye and found no one around her. She was standing in the middle of the terrace and drenched in rain, it was a mere dream. 

She confessed to herself, I'm in love with Ram. Priya went to her room and changed her dress quickly but there was a glow on her face and she was blushing while thinking about Ram.

Priya: My Mr. Goofy Kapoor, I can never put into words how much you mean to me. I love you more deeply each day. Mr. Kapoor, how can anyone ignore you and not love you? I wanted this marriage to work for us but you managed to melt my heart and made me fall harder in your love.

Priya understood that they both are not perfect but they are perfect for each other. Ram took the first step in their relationship and accepted our marriage wholeheartedly, he did everything to save our relationship in the last couple of months. He always complains that I'm taking 2 steps ahead and 5 steps back but this time I'll initiate the next step in our relationship. Priya knew that Ram loves her and she finally decided to confess her love to him first tonight. 

Priya planned for candle night dinner tonight and going to confess after dinner. She was too excited and her mind was restless like a teenager, can't wait for that magical moment for them and see his reaction.  She knows that he will feel like the top of the moon and will get emotional to hear those magical words from her. It's going to be the biggest surprise for him. 

She tried to contact Ram but his mobile was unreachable and again she called Adi around 11 pm but there was no information about Ram either. She slept on the couch while waiting for him.

Ram parked his car in a lonely place and stood in the rain and eye into the sky to find the light of hope. It is a curse of his life, it feels like someone stabbed the dagger in his chest and he can't show his pain. 

Why can't he be happy like others? What will be the consequences if the truth comes out? 

His fate is hell-bent to punish him and he stands at a crossroad where he has to choose either his love or his family. 

This time it will be difficult to convenience Nandini mom, she won't forgive Priya or her family anymore and can take an extreme step against Priya. He can't stop loving her just because of her father. Priya's inner beauty and interpersonal attributes, pure soul, and caring nature attracted him, and fell in love with her. 

Is he ready to pay anything to know the real culprit of the accident? Will he do a son's duty and expose Mr. Sood or be a protective husband and hide it from the family? 

He has to pick one very soon and there is no escape root. He was feeling lost completely for the first time in his life. His second chance at life looks so dim and hopeless. He knew that their relationship will be on the verge of the day this truth come out.

He wanted to investigate this secretly without telling anyone, not even Adi or his gang. He needs to seal his mouth until he found the full truth.

He decided to hide this from Priya which is difficult as she is smart to catch his lie. He needs to avoid showing his emotion to Priya otherwise she might find out the truth and go back to her shell again. She has faced a lot of humiliation because of her father in past and again doesn't want to put her in the same place. If her father is the culprit then the law will give him the right punishment but I can't let her suffer because of Mr. Sood's misdeed. She is innocent and has all rights to live with me proudly, not in guilt.

It was 4 am morning when Ram came back and he was all wet due to the rain. Priya woke up and looked into his lost face with water dripping from his coat.

Priya: you're so late, you just recovered from fever a few days ago and were again drenched in rain. How can you be so careless?

Ram: Priya, I'm really tired, can we talk later, please?

Priya was thinking that something must have happened today which made him restless. She couldn't able to confess her love to him tonight and it remained as an unshared secret within herself.  she decided to wait for the right time to tell him about her feelings.

Ram changed his clothes and tried to sleep but it went in vain. 

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