Fill In My Shoe

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The next day, everything went well in Shivi's function and Shivi had a beautiful day with both families and relatives. They clicked family selfies with Ram and Priya as well. Raya looked like a perfect couple and there was no awkwardness due to the close proximity between them. The couple shared an eye lock which Meera Maa noticed. She was very happy to know that her daughter's married life has back on track.

They all enjoyed the day to the fullest except Ram, Priya noticed this. After the chaos, Ram went to his room and Priya joined him a little later. 

Ram knew that he is in a big mess this time and needs strength to fight his life's biggest battle, it's always tough to fight when you have to fight with your own family for your happiness. His dad is his role model, his inspiration. He has done so many things in life just o keep his dad's promise and now that very man needed justice. Even if it's after 15 years but he needs to find the culprit and give justice to his dad at any cost, Otherway he can't forgive himself and can't move forward in life.

Priya saw that Ram was in deep thought and standing in the middle of the room. Ram's trance broke with Priya's voice.

Priya: you look worried, is everything ok?

Ram: Just tired, I'm fine Priya. Let me call Tarun to take this towel

Priya took it from his hand and kept it to a side, holding his hand in between her hands to give assurance.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, your eyes never lie, you're not ok at all. You can share your problem with me. 

Ram hugged her tightly like a child holding their mother for comfort and to feel safe. He was getting solace in her embrace and calmed down from his inner turmoil. She let him stay in that position until he parted himself. They traveled a long distance, both shared a strong emotional bonding and understanding.

Ram: Yes, there is a problem that might affect me both professionally and personally but I can't find a solution for it. I'll share everything with you at right time.

Priya touched his face and said maybe it looks gloomy now but I know you can fix anything. I'm with you and will support you in all your decisions. Ram kept his hand over her hand which was cupping his face and pulled it close to his heart.

Ram: you're my strength and I can face any storm as long as you are with me. I know you will look after the family if anything happens to me tomorrow.

Priya: Why are you being so negative today? Is there any danger to you? do you think MS will plan something again? 

Ram: Nothing like that. Life is uncertain and we can't say about the future but we can be prepared for the worst only. Dad died untimely when he was about to hit the best deal.

Priya: Stop thinking all this nonsense, I won't let anything happens to you. 

Ram: I know. Shubu has started the business but he is still not ready to handle family responsibility alone. He needs guidance and you're strong enough to take care of everything after me. I trust you more than anyone, you can fill in my shoe only.

Priya: Have you ever thought about me? I can't imagine life without you anymore. You became my habit and my whole world. I fought with every odd in my whole life alone and now need your shoulder to cry and your support to stand. I'm not strong and don't want to be. I don't want to be alone again. 

Ram embraced Priya seeing her teary eyes and said sorry. Priya clutched him tightly in fear of losing him. 

Ram: I can't live without you either. I promise I'll never leave you and will be with you till my last breath. 

They both settled in bed after their emotional conversation. Ram was flipping his sides and Priya noticed his discomfort and asked about it.

Ram: It's just a headache, nothing much. Sorry if I disturb your sleep.

Priya: Let me get the balm, it will ease off your headache quickly.

Ram: no need to do this. I'll take medicine if needed

Priya: no, you just keep quiet and don't argue with me. you can't win from me.

Ram: Ok Boss. 

Priya sat close to his bedside with her back on the headboard and massaged his head with balm. Ram slept within 10/15 min and Priya dozed there as well. Priya woke up and found her in his arm. Her head on his arm and hand on his chest. She tried to move slightly which made him clutch her tightly. Her feelings for her husband are growing inside her more and more. She kept admiring her husband until Ram woke up. Ram opened his eyes with a smile to find Priya sleeping in his arm. He pecked her forehead and said good morning almost inaudible voice. He got off quickly and left for the office in the next hour. 

Adi entered Ram's cabin rashly around lunch hour and asked everyone to excuse them.

Adi: Ram, why did you withdraw the police complaint against MS? It was good that ACP is my old collegemate and he informed me this. How long did you plan to hide it from me?

Ram: Adi, you know I don't hide anything from you but was waiting for the right time to tell you.

Adi: Right time? You hurt me yaar

Ram: Adi sorry, you're getting too emotional. This is not a big deal for me, I know how to handle it.

Adi: Are you crazy? why did you do that without consulting us? MS can go anywhere without any fear. You know you are putting your life in danger. Neither I nor anyone will be with you 24/7 to protect you.

Ram: Take it easy, no need to panic about it. Police haven't traced MS yet and there is no solid evidence for it and I have got some other plan for it. I'll discuss this with you at your house this weekend.

Adi: what kind of plan?

Ram: I'll explain the detailed plan to you, but don't disclose it to anyone right now. So please go and relax man.

Adi: You dropped the bomb on me and asked me to relax.

Now Adi realise that Priya was also standing there now so he said hi to Priya. Priya didn't hear anything about their conversation.

Priya: Sorry Mr. Kapoor, are you busy?

Ram: Not really, Priya sits down, please. Do you have anything to say?

Priya: We'll celebrate Ishaan's birthday at home and Maa and Di invited you to the party.

Ram: Sorry I can't make it as I've got urgent meetings lined up this evening. Please wish him on my behalf.

Priya: I'll stay at Maa's house tonight.

Ram: Okay. Enjoy your time there. take care.

Priya was surprised to hear no but thought maybe he is busy today, she left the cabin saying bye.

Adi: Ram, I need full details from you asap. I can't wait for the weekend.

Ram: Okay, I'll.

Ram avoided Priya's family as much as he could to stay emotionally detached and take strict action against MS without any hesitation or guilt. He wasn't sure if any Sood knew about MS's misdeed or involvement with his crime. It's better for him to avoid Sood's family without hurting Priya or her family. He was maintaining his facade to hide the truth from Priya as a double edge sword. she might understand his predicament but might goes on a guilt trip due to her father's action. They are going through a hard time right now which she is unaware but he'll weather the storm.

Ram got a call from Mr. Dixit and asked him to come to the office after 7 pm. They both had a brief discussion about MS and his link with Sashi. They made a plan to trap but before that, next week they will meet the concerned person who might have some relevant evidence.   

Priya was at home with her family but wasn't happy rather. She was worried about him and called Tarun to inquire about Ram but he hasn't come back home yet. Ram stayed in the office longer as Priya is not in KM tonight and he came back home at the early hour of 5 am.

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