Open Secret

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Ram and Priya faced the worst day of their life and after the confrontation, Priya was less angry now but worried about Nandini's condition. She has to choose between her family and Ram.

Ram: Ram's voice reeked of hurt. Sorry Priya, I hurt you again by hiding your family's truth and couldn't able to stand up to your expectation.

I should have shared with you and confided you. I knew you will be embarrassed in front of everyone again and wanted to protect you, not because I didn't trust you. 

Priya: I need time to process it and can't think straightway to decide anything now

Ram: Take your time. After all, it's your life and you should make the decision at your convenience by putting yourself first.  I'll respect your decision, no pressure from my side.

Ram left the room and Priya sat down in the bed and sobbed as the reality hit her harder. Ram's losses are due to her family. She knew that Kapoor will never forgive her family and they can't live together happily again. 

Sara told everything to Brinda that happened in KM and seek for a solution as both Ram and Priya relation in danger. Brinda promised her that she will not let Ram and Priya break their relationship at any cost.

The next morning, Priya went to the bakery after telling the final decision to Ram. Ram took a deep breath and called his lawyer to prepare the paper asap.

Brinda and Adi came to meet Priya at Bakery around midday

Priya: Mr Kapoor sends you here to talk with me. I'll not change my decision

Bri: No, I came to know about it from Sara and wanted to share few things about Ram.

Adi: No one will put you under any pressure, it will be your choice completely.

Bri: Don't make your decision with half-baked truth, you need to know the dynamics of Ram's family.

Priya: Bri, what you're saying? which truth? There is no point to discuss his family anymore, we both agreed on mutual separation. 

Bri: Yes, it's important for you to understand the hidden motive of his family. We'll tell you the full truth

Adi: Prenup paper was sent by Nandini and Shubham without Ram's consent. Ram was against it but couldn't defend you because of your family background.

Shivi's marriage was canceled by Nandini aunty as Ram couldn't give assurance for Shivi's safety in your house. He took the blame to keep his family's face clean.

Bri: The marriage annulment paper was prepared by Nandini aunty and first sent to Ram by Vedika. He refused to sign it. Then you signed it after aunty's manipulation. 

I'd damaged the paper intentionally and leaked it to the media so that you both can accept your relationship publicly.

Adi: They are Ram's family but Ram does not belong to that family.

Bri: Nandini aunty wants to break your relationship. They instigated Ram a lot about you and your family and also about Neeraj but his trust in you was too strong for them to break.

Priya couldn't believe what she had just heard, it was like out of blue for her. She always thought that Ram's mom loves him but she pretended to be happy for us. 

Priya: why do they want to break our relationship?

Bri: So that she can take control of Ram again. They never care about him. Actually, no one cares about Ram in that house. He is just a money-making machine for them.

Adi: Nandini aunty brought Vedika to KM so that she can break your marriage. You know Ram can't say no to anyone on their face. 

Bri: On Ram's birthday, his family told him that Vedika arranged the party and he gave the credit to her unknowingly. This mess was created by his family to create a rift between you two. They didn't let him live peacefully a day, not even on his birthday.

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