Solace In Your Arm

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Priya was sitting on the bed next to Ram and feeling helpless but promised herself to fix all their problems along with scattered Ram and fill his life with love and only love. 

In the night, Priya heard that he was mumbling about dad in his dream. 

The next day, Priya didn't let him touch the phone or laptop at all. Priya went to the kitchen to prepare lunch and Ram came down to the living room and watched TV.

Priya was engrossed in last night's incident. 

Tarun: Bhabhi, are you ok?

Priya: what happened to me, I'm fine

Tarun: We'll take care of Ram sir.

Priya: I grilled him for coming home late 2 days ago and increased his stress even after he said sorry and gave me the reason.

I knew he was very tense yesterday after back from the office but still, I didn't do anything. It's my fault

Tarun: but this is an unexpected incident, please don't blame yourself

Priya: He could have shared his problem or distracted him with small talk. Another failure on my end

Tarun: Bhabhi, don't stress yourself.

Priya: We can't neglect anything going forward

Tarun: Ram sir is getting better in this aspect after marriage. You can't even imagine how he was before you entered his life.

Priya: He takes tons of precautionary medicine to avoid any health problem

Tarun: He never rest or followed the doctor's advice. It was Adi sir and Brinanda madam who looked after him mostly. I followed their instructions. Medicine alone can't help you much.

Priya: True, I'll consult with the doctor and will make sure he will follow it regularly.

Tarun: In his last check-up after the accident, the doctor told him to reduce alcohol because it is affecting his kidney but he took it lightly

Priya: What? why dint you tell me earlier

Tarun: Ram sir will fire me from the job.

Priya: He can't do anything to you for telling the truth. Just tell me all his secrets

Tarun: I reminded Ram sir about the doctor's advice but sir said 

"live your life like never before and enjoy the food and drink like last time"

Priya: He will get an ear full after recovery for hiding from me 

Tarun: Ram sir is playing with Joe in the living room instead of taking a rest

Priya looked back and went there and asked him

Ram: I was bored in the room and you took my laptop and phone.

Priya: The doctor told you to take complete rest

Ram: I'm staying at home instead of going to the office today

Priya: okay, but don't think to take Joe for a walk today

Ram: but..  ok 

Ram: Can I get my phone for minutes, I need to make a few urgent calls

Priya: Tarun already informed the manager that you will rest this week 

Ram: what?  you know I have an urgent meeting this week

Priya gave a death glare to him and he made a puppy face but it didn't work this time.

Ram (remembered last night's promise): as you say

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