Broken Mirror

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Priya and Sara both were in the bakery and looking after the customer's order. Priya was absent-minded and there was some change in her behavior which didn't go unnoticed by Sara.

Sara: What's your plan for this Holi? This is your first Holi after all. Any special plan?

Priya: Nowadays Mr. Kapoor seems to be busy in the office and he hasn't got time to talk with me either. After that incident, he has not shown his anger to me rather switched to silent mode. We hardly got any chance to see or talk to each other.

Sara: You're unnecessarily grumbling about it. You know he has to look after his business, Shubu's business, and along with family matters. A lot riding on him and can't always focus on you. You're just an attention seeker

Priya: No Di, he is giving me cold shoulder nowadays and pretending like I don't exist in that house. I can sense it. You are talking about celebration and other this. I don't think he wants to celebrate Holi with me. I'm sure he will make an excuse for meetings to stay outside.

Sara: You're just overthinking. Ram is a very sorted person and he can handle any situation and give him some time.

Sara called Bri after Priya left the bakery and asked her to come to the bakery shop to discuss Raya and resolve their problems.

It's a bright Sunday morning and Ram woke up around 11 am as he came back from the office late last night. He got freshened up and started working on his laptop to prepare a presentation. Priya was preparing Ram's favorite dishes for lunch today. Meera came to meet Priya after hearing everything from Sara. Meera came to the room while Ram was getting ready and he greeted her with a smile. At the same time, Adi called Ram that he needs to be there in time.

Ram: Yes I'm just about to leave from home and will be there in 30 min. Just arrange everything and engage the client if they reach earlier.

Priya: Lunch is ready and I can bring it here if you want

Ram: No thanks, I'll have lunch with foreign delegates today. Adi has arranged everything and is about to leave now. I'll have your dishes in dinnertime

Meera: how are you, Ram? I wanted to talk to you Ram if it's ok

Ram: I'm doing good. Sorry, I've got an urgent meeting but we can talk for 5min. Is it enough or we can talk after my return

Meera maa: 5min is enough. I know whatever happened in the past few days between you two. I'm apologizing on behalf of Priya and MS.

Ram: Please, no need to apologize maa. I'm not the kind of person who will blame anyone for others' misdeeds. I'll make sure that MS gets proper punishment for his crime.

Meera maa: your anger is justified but I wanted to let you know that Priya...

Ram abruptly interrupted Meera maa and said

Ram: I completely understand Priya's situation and no hard feeling from my side at least. I know Priya Sood very well, whatever she did that day, her intention was always good for her family and to protect her loved ones. I'll be there to support Priya whenever she or her family needed me. Shall I go as I'm running late for my meeting? See you soon.

Meera maa: Take care beta.

Priya: Did you see Maa, he avoided you and went out from here. His behavior has been changed and I felt like this is another person whom I never met.

Meera maa: No, Ram understand my concern and cut me when I apologized on your behalf. He gave me the assurance for you that my heart wanted to listen. He respectfully excused himself for his work. There wasn't a disrespect at all. You're getting over sensitive for me, that's why you found Ram is wrong.

Ram is not angry with you and will stand by your side and support you if you ask for it. What else do you want from him now? Ram looks very honest with his words.

Priya: Nowadays neither he is not talking to me nor caring about me either. He is pretending that everything is fine between us.

Meera maa: Yes I can see the pain in his eyes when he defended your action but with a smile and didn't blame you at all. Ram never blames anyone for any issue or situation rather he owns up everything wholeheartedly and sees only the good side of a person. But one thing has been changed for Ram, you're Priya Sood for him, not Priya Kapoor anymore. Ram felt that you didn't accept this relationship yet. That may be the reason why he is cornering you.

You can't be Mrs. Kapoor just by changing your surname on paper. It needs to be registered in your heart and mind both. That day your preference was your family Maitri over your husband Ram. He is not registered in your heart as part of your family yet. He is husband only on paper. I still condemn your act, ethically and lawfully it was wrong in every sense. But we can't change it.

Priya: That's not true, I have accepted this marriage now and taking care of his food and health.

Meera maa: Priya, do you think as wife's responsibility is up to food, medicine?  we all seek emotional bonding and support from our life partners. You take him for granted from the beginning. You taunt him in front of family and embarrassed him on live tv, still, he stayed calm and supported you. As a couple, you need to support each other in public and keep your personal matter behind the door. 

Priya: I know, I was a little rude and upset with him that day. It was not my fault.

Meera maa: I'm sure you didn't apologize for your rude behavior. So far I found you always on the wrong side of the stick.

You're like a broken mirror with sharp edges. You will hurt them whoever will come closer. It's not your fault. I knew you were broken from inside due to MS and Neeraj and insecure that someone might hurt you and scared to face similar heartbreak again.

Now you have got feelings for Ram and are also scared to lose him. You're hurting him more by pushing him further to the edge so that you can keep denying your feelings. This is due to your insecurity, fear. We don't hurt our family loved ones due to our own flaws and weakness rather shield them from all danger and pain. Think calmly about what do you want from this relationship, and think about your happiness.

Priya: I'm not sure if he will ever accept my feelings. I don't want to lose him though 

Meera maa: Priya, always remember, someone's effort is a reflection of their interest in you. 

Life never gives second chance to everyone, you and Ram both are lucky. Welcome it with both hands before it's too late. You can't ignore all his effort, care, and love that I had seen in Ram's eye for you in past few months. Ram is not like MS, you know it. Open your eye and see him with a different lens. If you move one step forward then he will take ten steps towards you.

If you have any concern or doubt on anything, then ask Ram directly rather than assuming yourself and judging him without knowing the full truth. That's unfair and unreasonable to anyone.  Give them a fair chance and also to you as well.

Priya was alone in the room after Meera maa left KM. She was thinking every word utter from Meera maa. This conversation provided perception beyond her sight and can visualize Ram's action from the third eye. She can't ignore his genuine efforts. Deep down she knows Ram will never hurt her or cheat on her. Ram is honest and will never betray her. It is cloudy outside but the heart is opened up for the first time. She is ready to give another chance to live and indulge in its beauty. She is eagerly waiting for Ram as she has a lot to share with him and clear all misunderstandings and move forward in their relationship

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