Pinky Promise

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For the next 2 days, Priya took full rest while Ram helped Tarun as per his capacity for cooking and other household work.

Ram started learning things so that he can independently manage his own work along with looking for new business opportunities. 

Ram: In the kitchen, thank god I'm not a slow learner. pat on the back for a good job in chopping veggies without cutting his finger today.

Tarun was smiling to see his antics silently and happy to see his genuine smile.

Priya wanted to discuss an important matter with Ram but he didn't turn up in their room until later afternoon time. Priya was very upset and disappointed little but thought he has work to do other than taking care of me. 

After dinner, they both had a little chat

Ram: This is my official holiday after many years and that too for 3 months

Priya: Good, you need a long break. You told me on Diwali day and asked me to accompany you.

Ram: Is it? I don't remember but 3/4 months is a big time.

Priya: What do you want to do in these 3 months?

Ram: No idea. Let me think...

I need to find hobbies to engage myself, I wish I could write my bio, definitely it would be a pretty hit. A self-made businessman's story is always in demand

Priya: not bad. Businessman of the year to an author

Ram: You could do that as you're a literature professor. You teach economics, literature, and science. what's left for you to pick? 

I always think about your stream but got confused. You're a master in all 3 streams arts, science and commerce. 

Priya: Basically you're trolling me about my lectureship. Actually, I studied science but my interest was in literature. so I was trying to help students where ever I can.

Ram: I was teasing you but I was serious about writing. If you love writing then why can't you use this free time to fulfil your dream?

Priya: I'll think about it. what about you? what are your hobbies?

Ram: At school time I wanted to be a cricketer, but I can't pursue it at this age. I had fond of music but I dropped that idea from college time because I wanted to help dad in his business and reduce his workload and stress.

Priya: I'll think about your suggestion on writing a book.

Ram: Priya, it was a suggestion and if you really wanted to pursue it then go for it.

Priya: what about your hobby

Ram: Making money and profits is my only hobby for the last 15/16yr

Priya: Okay my piggy bank, just curious to know, please don't mind. If you wanted to leave everything then why did you give me shares in KU company?

Ram: My family and friends including you were my responsibility and wanted to secure everyone's future. I tried my best on it before I moved out. You can keep it or give it to someone as you wish.

Priya can sense the annoyance in his voice and decided not to speak further.

Ram: You need a good sleep to recover. Good night

Priya: Good night Ram

Ram and Priya settled down in bed after their small talk. Ram made a new friend here whom he just met recently, they started a new bond which is getting stronger. 

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