My Knight In Shining Armour

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Ram was disappointed that Priya didn't call him but thought she was with her family for a party last night. She might not get free time to call me or maybe she didn't miss him at all. He pulled his phone from his coat pocket and threw it on the bed. He thought for a second to call her but cursed himself looking into the clock. He freshened up and slopped into bed due to tiredness. 

Priya couldn't able to sleep on the other hand and was very upset that Ram didn't call or text her once. The next day she got ready before 7 am and helped Meera Maa prepare breakfast. Everyone felt her grumpiness and absent mind. Priya kept checking her phone regularly.

Meera Maa: Priya, you ok beta

Priya: Just a little headache, I slept a little late yesterday.

Sara: Priya, it feels like you're not happy to spend time with us. I noticed you at the party and also today morning. 

Priya: No, who said that? In fact, I'm very happy to get a break from that haunted house. 

Sara: Your annoyed face, anyone can see that you're physically present here but not mentally. 

Sandy: Di is missing her husband desperately. 

Priya: I'm not missing anyone. I was checking if he took his medicine in time or not. He didn't bother to call me once.

Sara: Oh the problem is Ram didn't call her. He is such a heartless person, Priya has every right to be upset. Priya, you ignore him until he says sorry.

Sandy: I think RK was excited to spend a taunt free night and forgot to call you

Priya: I'm sure he must enjoy messing up my room and celebrating his freedom.

Meera maa: stop salting Priya and feeding the wrong idea. maybe he was busy and didn't want to disturb you.

Priya: I've to go to the institute early today. 

Ram woke up and found that his phone was off, he immediately turned on but put it on the charger due to the low battery. Ram went to the office and was fully occupied in meetings.

It was around 2 pm, Ram got a call from Twinkle and he immediately went to check on Priya. Ram was worried to see the bandage on her feet.

Ram: what happened to Priya? how did it happen?

Twinkle: There was a fight between college students and she was pushed unintentionally and stamped on a broken glass piece. They did the first aid now and she is fine now. 

Ram: Priya, how are you? do you have any pain?

Priya: I'm ok. how did you know this?

Ram: Twinkle informed me. I know you better, you never bother to tell me anything. 

Priya: Why will I tell you? Do you have time for me? 

Ram: Do you think I'm a workaholic? I work up to a little late hour but tried my best to be available for my family if they needed me. 

Priya: So 4 am is a little late, right?

Ram: Sometimes it's 4 am but I come back home mostly before 12.

Priya: Even 12 am is too late.

Ram: I'm a businessman and got a lot of responsibilities. Left the meeting halfway through to check on you.

Priya:  I don't need your support, I'm strong and independent.

Ram: I know you're strong but that doesn't mean you will interfere in anyone's personal matter. you should stay away from the fighting area. It's dangerous. 

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