Trip Down Memory Lane

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It was time for the second therapy session, Priya and Ram went together and Ram settled down calmly in the consulting room.

Therapist: How are you today, Ram? how's your new business looking and your work pressure

Ram: Not bad. The workload is as usual and there isn't much change.

Therapist: Ram, I must say your eyes are unique and I guess it matches your mother

Ram (with a smile ): Yes, Maa had the same colour eyes. I don't remember much about her though but a hazy physical appearance

Therapist: if you're okay can we discuss your childhood

Ram nodded his head and drink some water before they start.

Therapist: Let's start with little mischievous Ram, his behaviour and favourites

Ram (smiled a little): You guessed right, I was quite a naughty and super active kid.

Ram told some of his childhood stories along with his mother and how he spent time with his mother, bedtime stories, playtime games, messing around the house and fighting with other kids.

Therapist: You seem to be very close to your mother, can I see your mother's picture

Ram (with a despairing face ): I don't have any photos.

The therapist was surprised to hear but she asked the reason

Ram: dad removed Maa's photos after his second marriage as it might disturb Nandini mom because it will be difficult for her to settle in our house.

Actually, I kept one photo on my bookshelf but it got lost when we moved house. They threw a lot of old stuff along with Maa's photos. I lost my mother completely that day. 

It's not that I didn't try to find it in the old house but couldn't find it. The whole night I spent on the terrace, it started raining and it reminded me of how we both used to enjoy rain together.

Every time it rains, people wait in the shed but we preferred to enjoy the rain instead of staying there.

Mother: We need to welcome all weathers in open arms, rain and summer both are important to us. So Ram, feel the rain droplet and listen to its sound. It's beautiful

I let my body soak in rain and felt that my mother was watching me somewhere far. I never stop enjoying the rain until I was in Mumbai

Therapist: I understand the pain when you lost your parent at a young age. I lost my dad when I was in college. I wanted to remember my dad with good and happy memories only. Just like you.

Ram: we can remember them through those memories only

Therapist: You must be mad about your dad's second marriage

Ram: Not really, in fact, I was happy that dad gave him a second chance and found his love again. He was genuinely happy after Nandini's mom came into his life and got a happy family, one son and a beautiful princess. 

Despite this, dad never stopped loving me. He did everything to give me the best

One thing I must admit, I took time to adjust to my dad's new family. 

Dad's undivided attention was on me after mom's death. But everything changed after his second marriage, his new family needed time and affection too. 

So I got lesser and lesser time as the family grew and I accepted it but somewhere deep down it hurt.

Nandini mom accepted me in her family even after dad's death, I am ever grateful for that.

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