Filled With Stardust

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Priya was angry like a fierce lioness and went to the room without saying anything to Ram. He followed her to the room without any delay.

Ram: Priya, it was a joke. I mean bad joke

Priya looked at him and slammed the washroom door. He understood Priya's weird behavior and decided to pacify her. Ram was restlessly waiting for her in the room. He tried to hold her hand after she came back but she snatched it away.

Ram pulled her which made her swirl into his arm. Ram hugged her tightly which made her shocked first and then became less steep, she felt his warmth. He moved away to look into her eyes which were illuminated with the same intensity now. He gave a soft kiss on her cheek which gave butterflies flutter in her and melted her anger as well as her heart a little more. He tugged her hair strand gently behind her ear. 

Ram: No need to feel jealous or insecure about anyone. No one can take your place in my house or heart. don't you trust me?

Priya looked into his eyes and can see his honesty and nodded her head without any word.

Ram: We met by our destiny but this is our lifelong journey and we'll cherish every moment together.

Ram: With a smirk, I love to see Mrs. Jalkukadi (Jealous ) Kapoor. Jealous Priya is a treat and you look so cute.

Priya: I'm not jealous of anyone 

Priya turned away with a smile on her red face but Ram pulled her and embraced her from the back and said softly.

Ram: Take a deep breath and remember that you're the most important person in my life and you will always be enough for me. My gesture with Nikki was just friendly, nothing else.

They ended the day on a happy note and geared up for the next day. 

It was a very important day for Shubu as he has to lead the meeting with the client first time. Ram and Priya went to work early today. Shubu came to Ram's cabin and inform him about the meeting. 

Ram: Shubu, I have spoken with Mr. Bhatia already but can't attend today's meeting, Vicky and Adi will assist you today.

Shubu: Why can't you join the meeting? Is it because I said something in an intoxicated state?

Ram: It's nothing like that. I've got another meeting at that time.

Shubu: You could rearrange that but you wanted to show everyone that I can't do anything without your help, I'm not a fool to understand your intention. You always pretend to care about me and love me. Actually, you proved that you never consider me as your real brother. 

Ram: No Shubu, you're getting me wrong

Shubu: You're being a hypocrite, dad will never forgive you for the way you're treating me. You don't mean anything to me from now onwards. 

Shubu walked out of the cabin without listening to him which made Ram sorry for this mess. Priya saw Shubu storm out. She went to Ram's cabin after discussing details with  Adi.

Ram was hurt and disappointed with Shubu's words again, it pierced his heart. This is not the first time and will not be the last one. No matter how hard he tried it will be never enough for his family to trust him, this feeling brought unshed tears to his eyes. He felt pain in his chest and took his stress pills when Priya entered his cabin. In a split second Ram put a smile on his face after seeing her.

Priya: Is everything ok between you and Shubu?

Ram brushed up it by saying that it's a secret between two brothers. 

Ram: Priya, you go and attend the meeting with others.

Adi received the client and gave the information about Shubu's company and lead him to the meeting room where Priya and Vicky were settled. Adi introduced everyone and they greeted him briefly. Shubu entered the meeting room and greeted Mr. Bhatia

Mr. Bhatia: Hello, you must be Ram Kapoor's brother. Nice to meet you

They discussed the project briefly and arrange a follow-up meeting in the next week.

Mr. Bhatia: I don't have any concerns about the project as long as it's under Ram Kapoor's guidance.

Vicky: Of course, Ram personally takes care of every single project and can walk on the water to accomplish the project. 

After the meeting, they decided to ask Ram to prepare the presentation with a full plan for the next meeting to impress the client.

Shubu went to his cabin after the meeting and Priya's words about self-identity were ringing in his ear. He doesn't know where he stands in his own company and left the office early today. 

Nandini: Shubu, you're early home today. What happened in the meeting? 

Shubu: Nothing much other than everyone was praising Mr. Ram Kapoor

Nandini: Look Shubu, you already did a blunder that night and you can't handle the business without Ram. I know Ram very well, he will not react if you say 100 things to him but he will not tolerate a single word against Priya. Ram respects Priya and holds her high after his dad. He is like a sleeping lion and you don't want to face his anger. So please try to make a good bonding with Priya first. 

Ram came back home a little late due to a meeting. He sat in the bar after dinner and thought deeply about his equation with family and especially with Shubu. His heart was shattered into pieces again when Shubu reminded him that he is not part of this family. Priya came down in search of Ram and tapped his shoulder gently. 

Priya: Why are you still here? You need to be in bed by now

Ram: I'm not sleepy now and will join you in a few minutes.

Priya knew that Ram was upset due to Shubu, he must utter unpleasant and disgusting things to him. She knew how to make her husband feel better, food and rain are the only things that give him comfort in any situation.

Priya: How come you're here when it's raining outside. Let's go to the terrace and sit there for a while.

Priya held Ram's hand and led him towards the terrace. Priya looked into the rain from far whereas Ram went closer to touch the rain droplet in his hand and felt the coldness. There was a little smile on Ram's face.  

Priya: You know how I feel the rain. I don't want to get wet, It's disgusting.

Ram: Try to look there is a bright side to rain which changed the whole atmosphere. I can feel each drop of the rain which is the rhythm of life. 

Priya: I don't understand your love for rain.

Ram: When I am soaked in rain, it gives me solace and calmness to my heart which heals my pain. It gives me a chance to enjoy my life a little more and say thanks to God for showering his immense love to fill my void. 

Ram: Priya, you come here and enjoy this moment. 

Priya:  I don't want to catch a cold due to the rain but can enjoy the downpour from the shed without getting drenched.

Ram joined Priya and sat down there while looking into the dark cloudy sky. Priya wiped his hand with her scarf (Duptta).

Priya: Can I ask you something?

Ram nodded his head 

Priya: Are you ok? you look a bit low tonight. Is it related to Shubu, right? 

Ram: Nothing serious. How was your day? 

Priya: I saw you were taking your pills in the office at midday.

Ram: You know I get panic attacks with small things. I need my medicines to control it. Can we talk about something else?

Priya:  Why are you lying to me and yourself always? You need to accept the reality rather than cover it under the carpet.

Ram: Don't worry, it's normal to have issues in business. I know how to manage them.

Priya looked into his dark eyes showing his inner emotions. she came closer to him and intertwined her hand with him.

Priya: I'm your wife and I have all the right to know about my husband's concerns and problems. It feels like you're filled with stardust and fighting every day and opening up for the new wounds in the hustle of hiding the old scars.

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