Keep Faith Alive

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I appreciate your valuable time to read and giving feedback on the updates regularly. I know this chapter is different but it was needed to drive into the future road. Hope you guys like this new update. Enjoy Reading!


Within a few days, Ram signed the contract document and started the new office along with the recruitment process for his project. 

Ram made Priya a 50% partner in his new company and Priya didn't raise any objection but rather went ahead and sign the paper with him and they celebrate it with a candlelight dinner. 

Finally, there was a development and a happy moment in their life after a long wait. After dinner, they both settled down in their room and Priya was drafting her story

Ram: You never told me about your story or share any phrase with me

Priya: I can read some lines from my lead character

Ram: I would love to listen

Priya :

Dawn opens a path for sunrise, I open my heart for you

I am an open sky where you are sun, you rise in my mind

Eagerly waiting for dawn, to see your new art of wisdom

You come and walk inside, I open the door of my heart

You stretch out your arms, embrace the warmth of love

Share my home and dines with me, stay here forever

Share my dream and final breath, you bring the peace

After we've kissed, what is there left for me to do?

Just fall deeper and deeper in love with you 

I open my heart to you, rise soon on my own horizon

Ram: Awesome, you've penned down the character's feelings nicely. I can't wait to read your whole story. 

Priya: You have to wait a little longer, It's hard to motivate when the end goal is not visible.

Ram: Keep faith alive

Priya: I'll try

Ram: You're going to read a few lines from your story every day. Deal?

Priya: Deal 

Ram (smiled ): We were not just sharing the room but sharing our feelings too. Big change 

Priya: yes indeed

One day, Ram went out of town for an important meeting. Priya was worried as there wasn't any call or message the whole day. She knew that this area is new for him as well and no one is around him to help if he get trapped. His phone is not reachable and he briefly mentioned some dispute with the estate's old staff. 

Ram returned home after 10 pm and can read Priya's face and tried to explain but she wasn't interested to listen to him. 

Priya didn't say a single word and asked Tarun to set the table for dinner. Ram freshened up and had dinner with Priya.

Ram: Sorry Priya, I was stuck in meetings the whole day. When I realised that I'll be late, I couldn't able to inform you due to bad network coverage.

Priya didn't respond to him and just focus on her plate like didn't hear anything. She decided to stay silent rather than argue with him.

Joe was excited to see Ram and was wiggling around him, he cuddled him. He went for a small walk with Joe and came back before midnight. Priya awoke until he back but they slept without talking that night.

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