Bucket List

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Every one busy in their life after back from that trip. The next day, Ram went to the office early and was busy with meetings. Neeraj came to the office with his boss to discuss with Ram as planned but they were 20 min late. 

Mr. Yadav: Hi Mr. Kapoor, Sorry we're a bit late due to traffic. Is it still a good time for you to talk?

Ram: Hi Mr. Yadav and Mr. Pandaya (Neeraj). sorry, I've got a meeting in 10 min, there is no point to discuss it halfway. You can talk to my PA to book another appointment. 

Mr. Yadav looked at Neeraj as if it was his fault.

Neeraj: Sorry Mr. Kapoor but we can wait until you finish your meeting. I want to sort this by EOD

Ram: I've got other commitments as well. I would say please go and check with PA before waiting here. I understand the value of time and wouldn't be fair for you guys to wait unnecessarily. 

Mr. Yadav: Don't worry Mr. Kapoor, Neeraj will wait here and if you have any spare time then he will talk otherwise we will schedule it for another day. Have a nice day Mr. Kapoor

Ram: Sorry again for not being able to accommodate you due to a tight schedule. See you soon.

Neeraj thought Ram is doing this purposely in front of his boss. Anyway, he met the PA and found that his calendar is full for the next 2 weeks. He has got 30 min break for lunch and this is the only option for him. Sometimes, Neeraj was roaming in the corridor area while waiting for Ram, and other times sitting in the waiting room. He found that Ram wasn't lying to him, he is actually busy. It's already 3hr passed but still, no luck for him. 

Ram came to meet Neeraj in the reception area but before he could talk, there was two staff who accidentally brushed off each other while walking in opposite direction. All the papers were scattered on the floor from the lady but the other staff was just about to walk away without looking back. Ram called that person 

Ram: do you have any basic manners? don't you think you need to pick the papers from the floor to help this lady? I don't want this kind of staff in my office who can't respect people. 

1st staff: sorry sir, I will do it now

Ram picked up the leftover papers and asked the lady if she is ok. 

2nd staff: thanks Sir, I don't have any problem with him and he has already said sorry, please don't fire him. I'm lucky to get a chance to work in your office.

Ram: It's our pleasure ma'am and walks away with a smile.

Ram called Neeraj to the cabin and let him sit down. Tarun entered there with his lunchbox but Ram signaled no rather asked for coffee. Adi informed him that the client has reached and the next meeting will start at 15 min. 

Ram: Neeraj, sorry to keep you waiting,  I've got 15 min gap only. Let's do it otherwise you have to come some other day.

Neeraj: that's fine. I'll book for another time and will make sure to reach in time.  I was wrong that you're arrogant and swanking. You can have your lunch and will take a leave now. Bye

Ram gets off his seat and handshakes Neeraj and gets back to his work after lunch.

That week passed without any issue. Ram and Priya both life was running without any issue. Nowadays Priya initiated their nighttime talk to understand Ram better. Ram and Priya back to their room after dinner.

Priya: I'd a call from Maitri who told me about your interaction with Neeraj in the office. You kept him awaiting for 3hr and then said him to book an appointment for another day.

Ram: Just normal professional work life, it happens to everyone. Not just Neeraj

Priya: Interesting fact is that he didn't mourn about your behavior. 

Ram: *With a smile* you know I have got the power to hypnotize people. Trust me

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, I got it. I would like to know about your bucket list

Ram: Keep my family happy and safe, able to fulfill their dreams

Priya: I would like to know about your dreams and wishlist for your life? just about you and yourself, not for family.

Ram: I don't have time to think about it at night time. 

Priya:  We all have our to-do list for the future. maybe you don't want to share with me

Ram: I'd stopped thinking about myself or any dream years ago. Frustration often points to unfulfilled desire, to some sort of lack or emptiness. So stop making any bucket list for myself. No wishlist, no disappointment. I accept everything that comes to me without any regrets. I made myself peace without expecting anything from life. No expectation gives me more satisfaction than a little crumble of happiness.

Priya: That's why you always look happy and smile on your face with small things or gesture

Ram: What will you gain to show your pain and grumpy face to your family and friends 

Nothing, rather you will create a gloomy atmosphere around you and for everyone. If my smile can give hope and happiness to others, I would say it's a win-win situation. You will spread a smile and sunshine while recovering from your pain on the way.

Priya: I know Mr. Kapoor can do anything for his family and friend. But I would like to know where can you demand?

Ram: I must take care of family and watch out for everyone's comfort and needs because they are my family. I don't think I can demand from them as I do not belong to their family. 

Adi is the only one who gave me that liberty and love that no one gave me after my dad. I can demand anything from Adi without any hesitation. As a friend, he has done a lot for me.

Priya: Don't you think you can demand with Meera maa? She loves you along with the rest of my family

Ram: I'll be honest with you. I'm getting affection and respect from your family only because I'm your husband. Their love is based on your happiness. I'm not complaining about their self-interest but I know where I stand there. Suppose if any reason we will break up then their reflex will turn into bitter towards me.

Priya: Yes it's practical. Do you expect anything from me? don't you think you have got rights as a husband?

Ram: Yes I'm your husband but that doesn't give me that privilege to exploit you or demand you. I'd promised myself to take care of you and your happiness because you're my family and I must fulfill your demands.

Don't take it by heart, but I never felt that I'm your family, so there is no obligation towards me. If you see our relationship from my point of view, it's a one-way road. We're doing stuff for each other and progress on the card but we are not in a single frame. Long way to fill the gap and reach where there will be no hesitance or my demand can be accommodated.

Priya remembered Meera maa's word, you're Priya Sood for Ram, not Kapoor because you'd chosen your family Maitri over him. she understands the real meaning of it. Priya can't deny this and she knew that he is correct. So far, it was he who took the full responsibility to manage this relationship without any complaints. She did a lot of blunders but he forgave her for all her past deeds. It's her turn to accomplish the final steps towards their bond and close the gap.

Priya: There is nothing I can say, we're working towards it. There is a lag from my side though but I'll catch up soon.

Ram gave her a smile and said you don't have to feel any guilt for it or push yourself hard for it. I don't have any problem with you rather happy to see that you're comfortable with me and opening up. It's our life and we will walk at our own pace. We have got our whole life to understand each other, slow and steady progress is always better. 

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