Dark Side Of Moon

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At night, Priya was sleeping peacefully hugging Ram while sleep was far away from him due to today's incident, evidence of how much she loves him and fears losing him.

Ram gazed at his sleeping beauty in the bed, she looked like the epitome of beauty. It was hard not to touch her pink lips, his desire arose and he put a soft kiss on her lips followed by her forehead and then slept caging her in his arm. 

The next day, they both were getting ready for the office and Ram's eyes bored on her. She was looking breathtaking in a magenta colour dress. He came closer and he buried his head in the crook of her neck.

Ram: You're looking absolutely stunning today

He started peppering her with trail of kisses on her nape until he left little push from her.

Priya: We're getting late for office

Ram: I don't want to go to office today

Priya: We have a meeting with Mr Ahuja, better get ready

Ram let her go with heavy heart after pecking her lips softly and he got ready for office quickly. 

They were occupied with meetings at office. Ram came to give a file to Priya but stopped looking at her lovingly while she was busy discussing with the team. 

He smiled to see Priya's confidence as a businesswoman. She adapted to this new role and worked seamlessly. He is proud of her and happy to see her by his side. He silently left the place without disturbing her and sent the file through PA.

At lunchtime, Aisha came to Ram's cabin while he was in deep thought and sat down in front of him while smirking at him

Ram: Are you here to say something or just to smile like dumb

Aisha: Forget about me, you were still the same dumb. Isn't it?

Ram: Come to the point 

Aisha: I saw how you were staring at your wife like your life is depending on her. You love her so much. But I'm confused why don't you move forward in your relationship

Ram looked at her in shock and was about to say something but she cut him

Aisha: I'm not blind Ram and can read it, everything was written on both of your faces. Please don't make it too late, I'm telling you from my own experience. 

Ram: I wanted to give her time and space to adjust with me and accept our relationship.

Aisha: Every woman has insecurity with regard to their husband and increases exponentially with time if she is possessive. Fortunately, she is not like you but she needs your time, go and spend some quality time with Priya.  

Ram: I'm planning for a small vacation after this project finish

Aisha: Does the project more important than your wife? 

Don't neglect her happiness over any tangible thing. She is very understanding but that doesn't mean you will take her for granted.

Time never waits for anyone and you need to balance your personal and professional life.

Ram: Ok my mother, accept my mistake and I'll take care of it. You will never get any chance to complain again

Aisha: You better start working on it otherwise I'll brainwash her against you.

Ram: I'm not surprised by your threat though. You can do anything crazy. I'm not going to say thanks to you.

Aisha (with a smile): As always, I'll leave for Mumbai tomorrow and be back after a week. email me if there is anything urgent.

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