Sunshine Of My Life

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The next day, Ram called Sara to come over and help Priya. Ram sat next to Priya with the medicine Box. Ram was adamant to do dressing even though Priya was reluctant about it. Ram pulled her feet, kept them on his lap, and gently removed the bandage.

Nandini entered the room and was shocked to witness this

Nandini: How is your health Priya?

Priya: I'm fine Mom

Nandini: I came here to inquire about you. I was relaxed last night because Ram was with you and he can take care of everything. 

Nandini excused herself from there without showing her real face.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, you don't have to do all this. Anyone can do it, Sara di will come today and will take care of it.

Ram: Yes I know, I asked Sara di to come. I'll do whatever I can in the meantime. 

Ram changed the bandage without listening to Priya after putting the medicine on the feet carefully.

Ram: Priya, you would have done the same if I was in your place. Right?

Priya: Yes, I'm your wife and I'll take care of you

Ram: I'm also doing my husband's job and you're my family and my priority. We're not just sharing a room but our life too. 

Priya's eyes were filled with tears and she couldn't able to control her tear. Ram was bewildered by looking at her and wiped her tears with his hand.

Ram: What happened Priya? Is the bandage too tight? or do you have any pain? please tell me

Priya: My father disowned me and I lived a hopeless and undesirable life for whole these years. I'd never shown my pain to anyone. 

Ram hold her closely and intertwined his hand with her.

Ram: You don't need MS acceptance at all and no need to waste your precious tear for that man. Please trust me Priya, I'm not like that MS who will leave you or hurt you.

Priya: I trust you. I feel like I'm worth getting someone like you and can cherish our bond and share my life with you without any fear. 

Ram tugged her hair strand behind her ear and caresses her face. He placed a kiss on her cheek and hugged her tightly. Priya kept her head on his shoulder and one hand on his chest. They comfort each other until Sara interrupts them.

Sara: I didn't see anything. You guys should close the door

Ram: Nothing like that, I was helping Priya. I'll go to the study room to attend a meeting now.

Sara: Priya, how are you feeling today?

Priya: I'm fine. Mr. Kapoor took care of me and I was on complete rest from yesterday.

Sara: do you need any help? I guess it's not necessary to ask as your caring husband is here

Priya: Mr. Kapoor is doing every single thing for me and not letting me move from the bed. But just need your help in the bath.

Sara: of course Priya, but I don't think Ram would mind helping you with it.

Priya opened her mouth hearing this and threw a deadly glare at Sara. 

Priya: is it a joke? then its a really bad one

Sara: I'm serious. After all, he is your husband. Leave this and let me help you first. 

Sara helped Priya and both sisters sat down for a while.

Sara: I noticed the changes in you. Do you realize that you started liking Ram? His care or ignorance, everything affects you a lot. You're invested fully in him and expecting reciprocation from him. You're thinking about him whether he is with you or not. 

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