Cup of Tea

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Boys decided to keep themselves busy with PlayStation in the afternoon and ladies with sweet talk and relaxation.

Bri: I need ice cream to cold down myself. I'll go and get it for us.

After Adi and Vicky, It was Ram and Kunal's turn to play the video game. Bri got the ice cream to everyone. Adi and Vicky took turns feeding them. They were busy playing on PS. Sometimes, Ram covered Kunal's eye or pull his hand to distract him and win the race. Priya laughed looking into their antics.

Bri: This is the first time you're seeing them in a gaming mood. They turned into wild kids when playing video games, they can do all silly things to win the game including Ram.

Priya: I thought Mr. Kapoor will be different. cheating for winning a game is so childish

Bri: Ram never cheats except for games but he can do anything to win the game. It's been 4 months now still, you couldn't able to understand your husband's basic nature. Bad luck Priya

Priya: I know, he is immature and weird too. How can he manage his business empire?

Bri: He is Mr. Ram Kapoor for the outside world but for family and friends he is just Ram who is a softy like a child longing for care and affection. You're a lucky girl

Priya: With a smile yes I know

Vicky asked Priya to come and play with them.

Priya: You guys enjoy it, I don't know how to play it.

Ram: Priya, you better try it. It's very easy to play and I can help you. You won the tenpin game yesterday and it's my turn to win. so our final score will be 1 -1 

Priya: Do you think you can win as I'm a new player? I'm a quick learner. Let's see

Priya sat on the couch next to Ram. Ram said let's play the car race which will be the easier one. Ram gave the controller in her hand and explain how to play. Priya was struggling to control the direction button and sticks on the controller. Friends left them alone and go to their rooms. Ram demonstrated the controller operation. He put his fingers on top of her to move the direction buttons but she keeps crashing the car on the road sidebar.

Priya: It's not something that I can play in the first instance, not my cup of tea

Ram: Do you have a car license? do you drive?

Priya: No. I don't know how to drive a car.

Ram: This is an opportunity to practice with the game first and then in reality. 

Ram was stubborn to teach her how to use the controller. Ram was so close that she can feel his breath and can smell the woody fragrance. He looked into her who was mesmerized by his vicinity and he couldn't take his eyes off. Their moment broke when Ram got a call and he left the place immediately.

They all packed their luggage and prepared to return back. They let Ram and Priya enjoy their return drive alone and the rest of the 4 sat in Vicky's car and headed back home.

Ram and Priya were sitting in the car and enjoying the old music.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, can I ask you something on a serious topic.

Ram looked at her and stopped the music first

Ram: Of course Priya, you can ask me anything. 

Priya: Your thoughts and ideology on the relationship. I know you always take things lightly but I really wanted to know your views.

Ram: I'm not an expert person to answer but you can ask me. I'll try my best

Priya: do you think only a perfect couple can make their marriage successful

Ram: Perfect couple complements each other from the outside look and inner attributes and loves each other which is the foundation of marriage. But Love is not all you need in marriage, healthy relationships are composed of honesty, trust, and respect. Any imperfect couple can make their journey beautiful when the couple learns to enjoy their differences. 

Priya: I've seen a lot of broken relationships. The marriage breaks after staying for many years. what goes wrong which leads to failing a relationship?

Ram: There are many reasons for it and varies from couple to couple and situation. Relationships died by attitude, behavior, ego, or ignorance. It may fail when people take their own insecurities and project them as their partner's flaws. It may fail because one person was being loved too much and the other wasn't being loved enough. It needs a proper balanced to make the relationship work for both. 

Priya: do you think our relationship will work?

Ram: Sounds like you're worried about our relationship. Marriage will work or not it all depends on us and it's in our hands only. No one can break a marriage if we share a strong emotional bonding and better understanding. No one can keep us together if either of us doesn't want to.

Ram: why are you asking this today, not before? anything bothering you? any concern?

Priya: I know we are an imperfect couple and we know each other very little, pole apart in every sense. I know 4 months is not enough to understand each other but need to know where we are.

Ram: Marriage will work when we work as a team not by standing against each other. It will work when we open up to each other without any hesitation. You like your partner for who they are without being judgemental. 

A relationship can be stronger when both are equally committed and ready to amend the mistakes without putting ego, and share their problems and feelings with each other. Our relationship faced a lot of huddles but still, we are together because of mutual trust. We have covered a long way and our bond got stronger with time. It stands on its own without any support. 

They returned back to Mumbai before 9 pm. Ram and Priya had their dinner early and went to their room. Ram opened his laptop to check his emails. 

Priya: I enjoyed the whole trip. You were living the fullest only with your friends. You guys share your feelings and support each other. Adi and Bri both are taking care of you like a guardian and treating you as their adorable sibling. I feel they are more like family. They love and care about you selflessly and unconditionally. I was amazed to see such kind of bonding between friends. 

Ram: yes indeed, it's our decades of friendship. it's been 30 years with Adi and the rest around 20 years we knew each other and our friendship grew stronger day by day. They stood with me in my low time when no one was there with me. I owe my life to them. After my dad's death, they gave me the strength and courage to stand on my feet and I can't reach where I am now without them. Whenever I needed support in my life after diminished parents, they became my emotional anchor in life. I can demand anything without hesitation and they can do anything for me. I accepted whatever Life offered me. But I am very lucky to have those friends in my life. I trust them blindly and perhaps more than anyone in my family.

Priya: because of you I got those friends in my life too. It was a nice and relaxing break. This is the first time I enjoyed a trip without my family.

Ram: Yes indeed. Next time we will plan for a family vacation with Soods, that would be amazing for us. 

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