Dream Never Dies

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Priya listened to Mrs Khanna but it didn't reach her heart. She was drowning in guilt. Ram overheard their conversation after he came back home.

Ram came closer and held her hand with one hand and cupped her face with other

Ram: Priya, you're the reason for a lot of things in my life.

You're like a bitter pill which is hard to swallow but healing my wound.

You showered me with your care and affection which I missed for many years.

You turned that brick building into my home where I wanted to come early.

You leave everything and everyone behind to walk with me and never let me fall weak.

You're the reason I'm standing here today. saved my life by putting your own life in danger.

Priya hugged him and coiled her hand around him while Ram cuddled her closely and gave a soft kiss on her hair.

Ram: Don't you ever say it again. You can't be the reason for my miserable life. 

You just gave me hope to live again.

Priya: I thought you hate me and gave up on me after I broke your trust many times.

Ram: I can't hate you for prioritising your family over me. Not in this life at least

No one is perfect and we both made some mistakes. We accepted each other with all our flaws but need time to understand better.

We'll find our way to reach our hearts and our destiny.

Priya scooped away a little to see his face and looked at him with full love and gratitude. Ram kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly and caressed her back.

Ram (with love in eyes): I like the way you're and you're the one I want for life

Priya (eyes full of tears): I don't want anything except you

Ram (wiped off her tear) I told you, I can't see tears in your eyes 

They spend the rest of the days happily and it felt like they have crossed miles and miles on the ocean and can see the shore. 

Priya looked after Ram as per the doctor's advice and medication properly. Ram followed the new diet without any arguments along with a daily routine. 

Ram was looking at his laptop after dinner when Priya entered the room and pointed towards the clock.

Ram: You're late for bedtime. I was waiting for you and thought it would be better to check my email in the meantime

Priya: I'd some work in the kitchen. You better stick to your timetable. No more excuses 

Ram kept his laptop on the bed sideboard and cover the duvet on them and retired to the bed.

Ram was recovering faster with the help of Priya. Priya booked a session with a Psychiatry for Ram without telling him and he fall asleep before she could say anything. She decided to inform this tomorrow.

It's Sunday night after dinner Ram was working on his laptop while Priya came there after finishing her work.

Priya: Ram, you are ok with the therapy that we discussed, right?

Ram: I'm fine with it.

Priya: I've booked with Dr Sarah Reddy for tomorrow at 3 pm

Ram: You know I was at home for the last 4 days. Better to book after next week

Priya: if you missed this session then we might have to wait for 2 weeks more.

Ram: It's fine. We can wait easily for 2 weeks

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