Blissful Night

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It was Sunday afternoon, Ram and Mr Khanna both playing chess in the garden while the ladies enjoyed the beverages in the nice weather. They continued talking about so many topics including politics and social issues etc.

Mr Khanna: I had bad experience yesterday in EPFO office. No one cares about the general public, including hospitals and the police.

Priya: You have to wait in a long queue and you have to run a number of times there except Richie Rich

Mr Khanna: Even the most famous temples as well 

Priya: They will treat you based on status, rich people are getting extra service as per their money but everyone is entitled to basic services.

Ram (in a sarcastic way): I've seen people believe that being rich is the biggest crime in society, they misuse water and electricity and so no, the list goes on

Priya: Richie Rich thinks they can buy anything and can misuse the law. not just the use of services rather they are the people who promote corruption in the country.

Ram: You mean people are innocent who don't work without tips, a lot of sympathy for them as they were crushed and victims of rich people who influenced them toward a luxurious lifestyle. Right?

Priya: I didn't mean that

Mr Khanna: bribe is wrong for both sides

Mrs Khanna: I'll tell you my personal experience. 

20yr back, I used to buy Rs 300/500 saree when our income was 14K and then my saree rate went up to Rs 3K when our income was 30K. Cut your cloth according to your pocket.

People will maintain their lifestyle depending on their social status, and nothing is wrong.

Ram (with a smile): Let me tell you about an incident

It was afternoon time when the rain started suddenly and there was a traffic jam. At the traffic stop, One luxury car was waiting while an autorickshaw came on the right side and then a bike swirled through the other vehicle and stood in the front line.

Car passenger: There are accidents and traffic jams because of bikes, they don't follow the rule and it was behind us but now standing in the front.

auto passenger: Look at that car and they will zoom soon into the traffic and we will be stuck with rain and traffic

Bike passager: Look we're drenched in rain and be careful about potholes and side vehicles, I don't want water spray

Bike rider: Look and feel the atmosphere, it's pleasant and cool refreshing. forget about everything just enjoy the ride. I'll drop you at home in time.

Mr Khanna: People always look at others and complain about what they are missing but never appreciate what they have

Mrs Khanna: People can't feel content with whatever they have and are ever hungry for more. 

They enjoyed their evening chat with the old couple and retired for the day. 

Priya was thinking about the perfect gifts for Ram for their special day. She decided to prepare his fav cake and ordered some personalised items with their sweet memories.

Ram seems to be very busy last week and couldn't able to spend much time with Priya and returned home a little late. He was feeling guilty but planned to take 1day leave from the office.

One day before their marriage anniversary, Priya decided to make it special for them today as he definitely planned for tomorrow. 

She took a nice shower after finishing her cooking and switched off most of the lights in the room except livingroom

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