Shake Things Up

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Ram and Priya both were walking in the garden and Priya waited patiently for Ram's answer. Ram touched his forehead and ran his fingers in his hair.

Ram: Priya, don't know how to explain this. Our marriage was a real commitment for me even though we married for our family and it holds the same value as my family.

In my language, marriage is a huge investment of time, energy and emotion. We need to protect and keep contributing to our investment.

Priya: with a smile, so marriage is your lifetime investment pan.

Ram: with a big smile, of course

Priya: Sadly most arranged marriages are like a shipwreck

Ram: It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship and trust that makes unhappy marriages.

Priya: I wanted to make up for my mistakes

Ram: It wasn't only your mistake only for our strained relationship. We both are equally responsible for it.

Priya: maybe it's your thought but where I'm standing my side is down on the weighing scale.

They sat on the garden bench for a little bit and keep looking into the sky while taking a small coffee sip.

Ram understands Priya very well, she came here to distract him from their small talk and give him the comfort that he was missing.

Ram: Anything else in your mind?

Priya: You again read my mind.

Ram gave a small smile

Ram: We're staying together for the last 8 months and my observation is not bad at all.

Sometimes silence speaks more than words

Priya: Wish I could press a button and everything will be wiped out and our problems will vanish like never happened. But it can only happen in movies with time travel.

Ram looked into her eyes and then leaned toward her little, gently held the nuptial chain in his fingertip

Ram: Nuptial chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threaded, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew two people together through the years.

Honest relationships will get stronger and deeper with time.

Priya: Tomorrow is a big day for us and it's time to put on the seat belt and be ready for the next adventure.

You didn't share the location or house details yet. Where are we going?

Ram: it's a surprise for you and hopes you will like it.

Priya: I love surprises. It's going to be our first secret mission

Ram raised one eyebrow in surprise and was happy to see her excitement.

Ram in mind, Priya is not expressive about her feelings but her actions louder than her words. This is the only hope left in my life

Ram: With a smile, can we go inside Madam? we need to wake up early

Priya: Let's go, it's chilled outside

Ram relaxed after their conversation and looked for a new day with hope and life with Priya only.

The next morning, Ram texted everyone to reach in office by 11 am for an urgent meeting.

Ram in his mind, be ready. A big surprise is waiting for you guys.

Ram asked Tarun about his preference after their breakfast

Tarun: Everything is ready and all bags packed.

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