My home Is Where Heart Is

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They settled down in bed on their respective side after dinner and talked about today's therapy session.Ram was overwhelmed after talking about his past, especially his dad, Priya gave him the emotional support that he needed.

Ram slowly pulled Priya closer and held her hand followed by kissing her hand

Ram: I want to hold your hand while sleeping. This is my new bad habit and it's all because of you. I don't want to feel alone again

Priya (with a smile and a forehead kiss): I feel safe when you're around me and holding my hand.

Ram: I'll never leave your hand. Trust me

Priya: My home is where you are, not Sood or KM house in Mumbai.  I'll never let you down.

Ram got emotional and shredded a few drops of tears which she noticed and touched his face to assure him and put a soft forehead kiss.

Ram: Priya, I promise to walk this life with you forever. 

Priya smiled and gripped his hand tightly and Ram brushed his nose with hers and touched their forehead.

Priya snuggled him to give comfort, he got the warm cuddle that he was missing for years. Their tired soul got aesthetic sleep. 

Ram (in mind): The storm ripped me apart, what was left was ruins & harrowing pain. I was like a bare tree but you're changing my life.

You enlighten what's dark in me, strengthen what's weak in me

You repair what's broken in me, bind what's bruised in me

You heal what's sick in me, revive peace and love that died in me

The following day evening time, Ram came back from the office early when a nice smell came from the kitchen. He straightway went there and hugged Priya from the back and encircled his hands.

Ram: smells nice, anything special?

Priya: Yes, I baked your favourite thing. You go and freshen up quickly

Ram (kissed her cheek ): will be back in 10min 

Priya blushed profusely and her heart was flattered by their close proximity nowadays. They both sat in the garden and enjoyed freshly baked croissants filled with dark chocolate and topped with hazel nuts along with masala ginger tea

Priya gave him the croissant bite and waited for appreciation

Ram: Priya, are you trying to spoil me

Priya looked confused by his remark and couldn't get it.

Ram: If you give me such kind of treats then I'll ask you for more. It's scrumptious.

Priya: don't think I'll give you every day. I was happy today that's why some sweet treats for you as I promised.

Ram: Gotcha, it's a treat for going therapy, then I've to book more than 1 session in a week going forward

Priya smiled and they sat there a little longer. 

Ram looked into the deep sky and stared at a particular two stars

Ram (pointed his finger): I was looking at the brightest star

Priya came closer and held his hand tightly, he side hugged her 

Priya: I know you miss your parents specially Maa a lot but no need to hide it from me. You can share your memories with me.

Ram: Dad told me that this corner bright star is Maa. I keep staring at it to search for hope and strength. Maa is looking at us from far there and blessing us

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