Delved Into The Past

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Ram and Priya both retired to bed after dinner and kept chatting a little about the day's activities.

Ram: Priya, I'm really happy today. I found my lost friend

Ram looked into her confused face and scooped closer and put his head on her lap. He caressed her cheek a

Ram: Jaan, you didn't ask anything about Aisha yet. 

Priya: You said that she is your best friend, then why should I question?

Ram: I can read your mind dear. 

Priya( with a little smile ): I didn't ask earlier because I trust you. 

Ram: I don't want any misunderstanding or confusion between us, transparency is key for us. Please spill out

Priya: Just curious to know that you both are best friends but you or Bri never mentioned Aisha before, why?

Ram: I never had time to talk about Aisha earlier with you. 

Remember I told you that in our college group we had two other classmates, Aisha was one of them. I, Adi and Aisha studied in the same high school. She always ran after butterflies like a manic and we used to follow her in chasing them.

She used to fight with me for no reason, mostly she tortured me a lot but I like her livelihood. The most cheerful girl in our group, she was the epitome of courage and always fought for the right cause, just like you. 

She left college in her final year and joined one of the UK universities. She never in touch with me or anyone from our group, she was disappeared from our life. 

Happy to see Aisha after 18 years but I felt she lost the spark in her eyes due to some hidden reason. I'll delve into the past later once she is comfortable opening up.

Priya (with a relieved smile): Friends reunion due to this project. 

Ram: Agreed. 

Priya: She is also good at her work

Ram: One more thing, you don't have to feel insecure or jealous about Aisha or anyone. 

Priya: I'm not jealous of anyone. You are the one who is possessive and jealous even if I smile or greet anyone.

Ram (smiled): I'm not possessive rather protective. But never doubt my loyalty  

Priya (with a teasing tone): Why? Do you have any tag saying you will never cheat?

Ram (cupped her face and a lonely tear cascaded down one of his eyes): You own my soul and I'm nothing without you. 

My heart is destined to beat for you only, can't cheat my own heartbeat. 

Priya (hugged him and tears of ecstasy started to brim in her eyes): I am so lucky to win a golden heart. I always felt protected in your arms 

Priya (wiped tears): I'm thinking to invite her this weekend. Also, I'll pack extra lunch for her from tomorrow onwards

Ram: That's a good idea. She is alone in this city

The night was calm and cold with silver moonlight and hoping for a bright and delightful day with breaking the dawn.

Time flew by like an eagle, Ram was sitting in his cabin with a frown face, worried as he has got a meeting with the client in the afternoon but Aisha is nowhere. 

Priya was trying to calm him down and diverted his mind with another project report.

Aisha reached the office around 11 am with a draft plan. Ram and Priya both going through some project files when Aisha entered the cabin.

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