Lost In You

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Thanks for all your support and lovely comments and feedback. I'm on holiday and couldn't able to publish for a few days but added this new chapter, the first few days in Landour and their journey.


It was a bright morning, Priya couldn't find Ram at home as he went for a morning walk and she couldn't believe what Tarun said.

Priya in mind, the man who never took the staircase and gave all sorts of excuses to avoid any physical exercise, now going for a morning walk. Good change

Ram stood on the hilltop and thought, I have got enough liquidity to set up a new business but wanted to start it after moving to the permanent location and we both can start our new life along with my business. 

My investment in the share market is also giving enough profit to maintain our lifestyle. I need to prepare documents for the visa process for France and wanted to sort this out quickly so that I can leave this country soon.

He clicked a few more photos of sunrise and then head back home with Joe. Priya was trying to get stuff from an upper shelf. Ram held her hand and saved her from falling from the stool chair. 

Ram: Are you crazy? why didn't you ask Tarun or me to get the stuff 

Priya: do you think you're taller than me? 

Ram: What do you mean? You had a problem with my water and electric usage and now you have trouble with my height.  

Priya: With a smirk, I always wanted a 6ft tall husband at least but this is not possible anymore.

Ram: You can still find someone to match Abhishek's height if you want.

Priya: AB would be a good match but he is already married. 

Ram: There are plenty of options available,  better luck next time

Ram was upset and was about to leave that place when Priya stopped him. 

Priya: Mr Jalkukda Kapoor, physical appearance doesn't matter to me. The only thing that matters to me is their heart, you're a beautiful human being with a golden heart.  

Ram smiled at Priya's compliment and they both had breakfast together

Priya: Ram, when did you buy this cottage?

Ram: I bought this cottage last month and initially thought it could be a birthday gift for you. But changed my mind and decided to use this as our temporary accommodation.

Priya: That's nice, do you know about my birthday?

Ram: I was about to ask Sandy but forgot. Then things fell from the sky drastically me and our relationship changed and everything turned gloomy.

Priya was thinking, he thought about my birthday and bought a surprise gift for me in advance. Sometimes he is so unpredictable but I love this version of Ram

Priya was preparing the lunch while Tarun back from the city with all the household stuff.

Priya: why are you so late today? There was no veggie to cook for lunch

Tarun: Bhabi, actually Ram sir's fav brand was not available here, I'd have to go to the main city market to get that.

Priya: of course, the drink is far more important than food

Tarun: I'm here to look after Ram sir's needs and comfort. 

Priya: it's not good for his health, already has high BP

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