Friends Forever

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They all were settled in the living room after their dinner. Priya can see Ram's smile which was missing for a long day. 

Priya (in mind): Ram never talk about his friend or family much here but he missed them a lot. 

Ram: Let me make a call to book the hotel for you guys

Bri: our lovebirds are in the honeymoon cottage and we can't...

Ram (cuts Bri in middle): Jaan.. stop your crazy thoughts and give a rest to your little brain. Sometimes I feel there is no difference between you and Shivi

I'm more than happy if you all can stay here but we got only 2 rooms. I can put a tent in my garden for you. what do you say?

Vik: It's a brilliant idea, let's have a camping experience in the garden.

Ram: Are you mad, there are mosquitos and insects. You can't sleep properly

Kunal: I don't mind as long as we all are staying together

Priya: We can easily manage it, one room for me and Bri and the other room for boys

Bri: Sorry Priya, we're joking

Adi: We don't have any intention to ruin your anniversary. We planned to go and stay in a hotel tonight and will be back tomorrow morning

Priya: I'm really happy to see you all here and this made our day even more special. 

Ram: Exactly, a special day won't be special without family.

Priya: Indeed. You guys are staying with us and that's final

Ram: It's the boss's order and you all will stay with us.

Kunal: Old time is back again

Ram: Anyway with a heavy heart, I'll share the room with all those monkeys

Vik (wicked smile): Look who is saying monkey?

Adi: Ram, You're a monkey without a tail. Have you ever seen your room? Tarun took care of you and your room that's why no one can see how messy you are

Bri: Priya can confirm it

Priya (smirked): Little improved but not up to a level where I can discard it

They all laughed at her remark when Ram is making a pout like a child. 

Ram: It shows that I'm good at delegating my workload very well

Vik: I agreed, RK is known as the perfect boss and no one can handle the company better than him.

Ram: Thanks Bro, at least you're on my side

They all shouted together, we were your side Ram only and always be because we are friends forever.

They were watching TV for some time but Vicky and Kunal were tired so they went to sleep quickly. Bri and Priya both were busy talking and finishing the work in the kitchen while Adi and Ram both were watching a movie.

Bri came to check on the boys after a while and found two of them already went to their room and Ram and Adi slept on the couch. Ram put his head on Adi's shoulder and held him tightly.

Bri switched off the TV and Priya got a duvet and cover them while Bri capture two cuties in her phone before putting the blanket on.

Bri: Priya, now tell me how're things going on between you and Ram. I feel Ram has changed a lot but it's only from the outside

Piya: Initially it was difficult but now we both are settled, I've managed to convince him to stay here in India for now. He started his new business recently but it will take time to heal him. His therapy session is really helping him to open up a lot and come to know about his past.

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