Promises are made to be broken

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Ram couldn't sleep as Bri and Adi's words kept hammering the whole time. Am I overthinking that she won't accept me and afraid of heartbreak? will she ever come out of her insecurity? 

Old memories from first meeting to till now flashed in his eyes and he can see how far they have traveled. They have shared beautiful moments together and she has turned KM mansion into his home, that's why he started to go back before 1pm. Definitely, this is not the same Priya with whom I married 4 months back. 

There is some progression in their relationship but was not derailed. This was expected when two strangers lived together.  It is crystal clear that she wanted this relationship to work for both of us from her current actions.

I'm happy with her progression so far and will get serenity in my life with her presence. We both have our own baggage but will build our relationship without getting affected by it. 

Promises are made to be broken. Love can happen again in your life if you found the right person. I need to wait for right time tell her about my feelings, need to be patient and earn her trust first.

She is insecure due to her past which is holding her back. I'll give her the assurance and support that she missed for a long time. I'll fill her life with love so that she will never leave. She is the most important person with whom I can to share my whole life. She is not my first love but she is the last one. I'm lucky to find a Gem like her in my life and can't lose her. 

It's breakfast time and everyone is gathered in the downstairs sitting area and waiting for Ram. Adi couldn't wait and entered Ram's room and found that he was still in bed. Adi patted on his back slightly and asked him to get ready and come down in 15 min. Ram got ready quickly as he doesn't want to keep them waiting. Ram greeted everyone with a good morning. He looked at Bri, she didn't say anything.

Ram: Bri, are you ok? You look off this morning, are you upset with me or Adi?

Bri: I'm fine Jaan. you're thinking too much about me, go and spend time with your wife

It stroked harder this time and he was sure that something is wrong.

Ram: You can't lie to me, I know you very well. I can read your mind and something is bugging you. Did anyone said something to you? aunty?

Bri looked at Ram with teary eyes and she can't hold it anymore. Bri said yes mom was right, I'm not good for Adi at all and spoilt his life. Ram gave her a hug to calm down and let her sit down on the couch.

Adi: I told Bri to ignore this but she didn't listen to me. Ram please tell her

Ram: Listen Jaan, never doubt yourself. Adi is the luckiest person who found his eternal love and happiness in you. You're the most beautiful person from inside and out I ever met. You're our fighter who never give up and is always ready to fight for your rights. 

Adi: We both are happy, that's what matters. 

Ram: Exactly, you both are the perfect couple who complements each other fully. You persuaded him in the right direction and he always supported you. You both complete each other.

Bri: you're right Jaan. I love you

Ram: I love you too my Jaan. Just sit down here, I'll get your favorite hot drink for you.

Priya was remembering those words that just heard from Ram, it reminded her restaurant incident night where she was humiliated by her father and was crying in the washroom where she got comfort with the similar words from outside by an unknown person. She couldn't able to believe that it was Ram that night who unknowingly helped her and gave solace to her heart.

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