Don't Need Enemies When I Have Friends

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They were enjoying the food and drink along with their chit-chat. Mrs Khanna brought some fritter and rice pudding to share. 

Mr Khanna: It looks like you all are friends for a long time

Bri: We're college friends, know each other for more than two decades. Adi is his schoolmate and their friendship is 3 decades. 

Ram: It's me who broke our promise and left them a few months back. They always stand by my side. I just fall weak in our friendship

Mr Khanna: It doesn't look like though, distance can't tarnish your friendship if it's strong.

Adi: That's true.

Mr Khanna: Priya Beti, how come you allow Ram to have a drink today?

Ram: Mr Khanna, is it essential to remind her now? let me live my life and enjoy it for a day

Priya: Uncle, he is excused for only 2 days and he will be back on his diet from tomorrow onwards.

Mrs Khanna: Priya, don't give too loose to your husband otherwise you will fall into a trap

Bri: Exactly Priya, those boys never listen to me and made my house a drunkard for many years. 

Vik: Bri, you were our drinking partner too. So you can't complain about it

Bri: 1-2 packs only, not like you guys though. At least Priya can control it fully

Ram: Bri, you can't expect others to quit when you keep doing the same thing. It's hard to practice your own advice.

Adi: Agreed Ram

Ram(cleared his throat and smirked): FYI Priya is my new drinking partner

Adi (with a toothy smile): Ram, how did you spoil strick Priya?

Ram (winked): Adi, I've got that magic power

Priya was giving a deadly glare at Ram and waiting for the right time to snap 

Bri: Ram, you're shameless. Priya, ignore it 

Adi: I'm proud of you my Bro. 

Ram: Let's cheer for my victory

Vik: I missed this after you left Mumbai

Kunal: Bhabhi, but I missed your Biryani more than Ram. I'll pay a visit here regularly only for your food.

Vik: Agreed. yesterday I thought I missed Ram a lot but now I think I miss Priya's hand-cooked food more

Ram: I don't need enemies when I have friends like you 

Bri: Look at Ram, he will cry any moment. 

Ram: Jaan, I thought you'll be in my team, not with those jokers. 

Bri: This is your punishment for not calling or messaging me.

Ram: I said sorry Jaan, you are my favourite, I love you so much. Can't you forgive me?

Bri: I'll forgive you on one condition, never cut me off from your life again. I swear I'll break your bones if you do so.

Ram: Promise, will never repeat it. 

Adi: Seriously!

Ram: Adi, do I have a bone in my tongue to lie to your crazy wife?

Adi: Priya, one serious note, we were worried about you two. How did you manage here all alone?

Priya: We're not alone, Mr and Mrs Khanna are both very close to us and never let me feel I'm alone. 

Bri: Thanks for looking after them. We're relaxed about Ram and Priya now. 

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