Exhale the Past

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Ram: I know Vedika is my Ex and I should have told you earlier but sometimes circumstances and sometimes my fear stopped me from revealing this truth. I was afraid of your reaction and worried that you might leave me. Please don't drop your gun at me that I betrayed you like Neeraj or cheated on the wife like MS.

It was a shock for Priya to hear Ex's name and didn't know what to say. She was disappointed and sad that all the time she was duped into faking friendship. She couldn't able to sense that they were more than friends. 

Ram: Priya, I wanted to make it clear that Vedika is my past, and I don't have any feelings for her now. We broke up a long time ago, 10 years back when she started dating Sashi and married him. But we maintain our friendship till now. She is just a friend now, nothing else.

I never looked back after marriage. It's time to Inhale the future and exhale the past for me.

I know you're hurt that I hid it the whole time when Vedika stayed here and revealed it after her departure. I had no intention to keep you in dark. Every single day there was a new issue or problem in the family and our relationship was on edge of the verge. I didn't want to put more stress on you or our marriage rather wanted to wait until we develop a strong bond and you can trust me.

I won't defend myself behind you by saying you were not interested to know my past, I'm accepting my mistake and I'll accept your decision about our relationship and I'm not going to force you for anything. 

Priya can see the honesty in Ram's eye and the guilt on his face.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, I'm lost my words now and need time to think about it.

Ram: Sure, take your time, there is no rush from my side. 

Priya: Good night.

Ram: Good night Priya.

They couldn't sleep for the whole night as they were anxious and engrossed in each other's thoughts. How would they react after knowing the past? What would be their future and where they will stand in their relationship? 

Ram understands Priya's turmoil,  their new life can only begin when fear ends from her and waiting for that day to come. The darkest hour of the night comes just before dawn. The next day, Ram left for the office early morning and kept himself busy to avoid thinking about Priya's decision. But he couldn't help him as his mind and heart both filled with Priya.

Ram: I'm fully aware of Priya's past and her mindset. I'll give her time and space to think. I love her and am happy with her presence in my life. I can't make her uncomfortable with me.  

Adi called Ram twice which brought him back from his deep thoughts. Are you ok? You look lost

Ram: Last night I revealed about Vedika to Priya and the final decision has to be her decision and I'll respect it. 

Adi: Don't worry, as far I know Priya is also happy with you and already accepted this marriage and won't leave you.

Ram: I know her and understand her insecurity. Priya behaves differently when it comes to trusting the men as her scars are too deep. Also, she will think that I still love Vedika even though I had told her clearly that she is my present and future. She won't let it go easily. I will be surprised if she doesn't overreact and behave normally in this kind of circumstance.

Sara: It was me who told Priya to keep the MS involvement secret, they are already lots of problems between both families, and didn't want to see them pole apart again. I understand ram is angry but he can't ignore Priya like this. We need to help them to talk with each other and clear their misunderstandings.

Bri: As a well-wisher, I did everything to make them closer and I'd pushed Ram to put effort into the relationship and understand Priya. I had a hunch that they both are similar in certain ways and can heal each other. You know Ram is equally or more broken from the inside but despite the pain & a broken heart, he still manages to be a pleasing person. Always there for everyone and makes everyone happy around him. Priya has got her family who unconditionally support, love, and care for her but Ram has no one. Ram hid an ocean of pain deep down under his heart and facade through his smile. I had seen him broken down in past and can't see this again. They both are not kids and let them sort their problems their way, without third-person interference. No one is better than Ram to understand and manage relationships. Sorry, I'm feeling guilty for interfering in his life more than I should. 

Priya came back from college early today and freshened up. She was sitting on the balcony and remembering the conversation between Sara and Bri today which she overheard everything from the bakery doorstep and came back to KM without letting them know. 

Priya was angry at Ram for his lie but it was her choice not to know about Ram's Ex. At that time I didn't feel like I need to know about this but now we have progressed in our relationship and it matters to me. Everything related to Ram mattered to me and it hurt me deeply.

I was betrayed by Neeraj in past and MS rejected me but now I've got a husband who can go to any extent to make me happy and who stands for me and trust me more than I do. Ram is an honest and humble person which I had never seen before. I'd experienced only badass but life surprised me with Ram by giving me another chance to live. I'll be a fool if I break the relationship with Ram for his past. Yes, it's time to Inhale the future and exhale the past forever as he said. I can't live in past, can't let the past win over me. 

Priya understood her feelings for Ram and now it's difficult to live without him for her which is a new feeling and can't deny anymore. She was hurt when Ram avoids her or kept a distance from her. She doesn't know if it's love or not but got feelings for him. She has never been so happy in her life but Ram changed everything. His smile, jokes, care, and support gave her a new horizon to her life and hope for a beautiful future with him, and ready to share her whole life without any hesitation.

But what about Mr. Kapoor, is he really want to move on with me? Is he still attached to his past?  What about the promise that he made before marriage? Will he ever accept my feelings?

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