Start With A Clean Slate

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Thanks for showing your interest in this story and your appreciation and lovely comments. 

Here I came up with a new chapter which covers everyone's reaction to Ram's decision and final goodbye from Mumbai. Happy reading! 


Kapoors were discussing after everyone left the meeting room.

Nandini: How could Ram do this to us? He gave our company share to his friends. I knew they were close to him but never thought he could go to that extent. 

Shubu: This is not our share but rather Ram Bhai's share and he has every right to decide.

Nandini: He betrayed us just because we tried to break his marriage. We left with peanuts only.

Shivi: Nandini Kapoor, you must be happy now

Nandini: what are you saying?

Shivi: You're still thinking about money only. Still, you don't have the heart to think about Ram Bhai a little bit. You're no one's mother, just a selfish and greedy woman.

Nandini: In a loud voice, shut up Shivi 

Shivi: Ram Bhai is leaving the city. He worked day and night to build this company alone but now he is leaving everything behind and going with empty hands. Can't you see this

Nandini: Shivi, I never wanted this. trust me

Shivi: You broke his heart and scattered him. I hate you and will never forgive you for what you did to Bhai.

You stay in that KM house and I'll live happily far away from your toxic. Remember you're not allowed to come to my home, I won't spare if you try to destroy my family. I'm not like Ram Bhai who forgave easily.

Akki: Shivi, that's enough. Let's go and talk to Ram Bhai and Di before they left

Nandini couldn't believe Ram give some share to Tarun as well, Also declared him as a brother, and their house assistant owned some company share like them. Ram can't differentiate between family and servant. Ram is crazy and stupid.

Shubu: Ram Bhai is neither crazy nor blind, he recognised who is his true family and who is fake. If you would have loved him a little bit then probably you would have got full shares in your name.

Greedy people got blind and can't see anything beyond themselves and finally ended up digging their own graveyard.

Nandini: Shubu, stay within your limits. I feel you're getting influenced by Priya too. Wherever you're only because of me

Shubu: Agreed, I stoop low like you and my own sister hates me. Ram Bhai easily forgave me but Shivi won't 

Nandini: One day Shivi will realise the true value of money and then she will come back to me. I did everything to secure her future. Ram will come back to us too as he has no family.

Shubu: He won't. You're impossible and still in delusion 

Mom, Bhai is leaving not just the company and properties but also family, friends everything because of us.

You know what family and friends mean to him but still, he prefers to stay alone. I know you don't love Ram Bhai but at least you can empathise with him.

Dad will never forgive you and neither any of us. We don't deserve his love and care.

I can't stay with you in the same house where Ram Bhai's dream family picture is scattered, I'll move out from KM soon.

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