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It was 12 am night but Priya couldn't sleep, unconscious cerebration about Ram, how come he said those things with a smile on his face? Just listening to this gives me heartache, can't imagine a life without him. Is there any threat to his life? I'll ask him about it tomorrow after our trip. This is the first time when we will go alone somewhere after marriage and it brought a look of ecstasy to her face. Is it our date or just a trip? whatever, I'm happy to hear his gibberish talk all day long.

It was a bright Sunday morning, Ram and Priya both woke up early and getting ready when Priya received a call from Sara di.

Sara: I can't go to the bakery due to a family emergency. Can you go to the bakery today as there is a big customer's order?

Priya: Okay di, I'll manage it.

Priya was waiting for Ram to come out of the washroom so that she can tell him about the change in the plan.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, sorry we can't go today. Sara di can't go to the bakery today and I've to manage it.

Ram immediately hides his disappointment with his sweet smile.

Ram: That's okay Priya, we will plan some other day. 

This was an unexpected day, Ram and Priya both were busy with their own work. Priya back home at 6 pm and decided to prepare a nice meal for Ram to compensate for it. Tarun informed that Ram sir went out from midday and will have dinner outside.

Ram came back around 1 am from a party and slowly open the wardrobe without any noise. But still, Priya woke up with it.

Ram: Oh sorry Priya, I disturb your sleep

Priya: you're too late today, are you angry with me for canceling your plan?

Ram: I went to a friend's party and didn't realize the time with friends, that's why I was late. I'm not angry with you at all.

Priya: maybe we can plan for next weekend, there will be no problem from my side. I'll change my priorities.

Ram: I never ask anyone to change their equation with others or change for me rather I change myself to make them comfortable with me. I accept them the way they are wholehearted without any expectation.

When it comes to siblings we both foster a sense of genuine belonging and they take us for granted. I understand Ms. Sood more than anyone else, her priorities and responsibilities towards the family. Family always comes first and I would have done the same in your place. So please don't feel guilty for doing the right thing.

Priya: Actually, Sara di had...

Ram: Abruptly cut Priya and said I don't need any explanation from you. That must be important for you, no need to stress yourself. 

Ram can see Priya's teary eyes and he sat next to her and said It's pretty late now and please sleep. We'll talk tomorrow.

Priya: I know you're upset and that's why you cut me while I'm explaining my situation. 

Ram: Unnecessarily you're bothering yourself. As I said earlier, I don't need any explanation because I trust you. We have our whole life to do such small things and spend some time together. I'm not going anywhere or you. 

Priya was overwhelmed by Ram's words and hugged him. Ram gave a soft kiss on the forehead and asked her to sleep now. He freshened up and changed his nightclothes, he covered the duvet on Priya while she was still awake. He looked towards her and held her hand and she latched his hand to get comfort. They both slept with holding each other's hands. 

The next morning Ram woke up first and his hand on her waist hugging her back. He slowly moved his hand from her and admired her exquisite face and wished to see her first every morning. He went off and get ready for the office. 

Priya went to the bakery to help Sara in the afternoon. Both sisters were busy with chitchat when Priya came to know that Sara straightway call her yesterday to manage the shop. 

Sara: Ishaan wanted to go to the waterpark yesterday and Sandy and Maitri both are lazy and fuzzy to come early to the bakery on Sunday. I knew you will be free as no classes on Sunday.

Priya: Di, I thought you'd checked with others first and nobody was free to manage it. Mr. Kapoor had planned a day out for us and I canceled it as I had to come here. He is the person who voluntarily paid the loan amount for this bakery whereas I'm the one who always disappoints him. I was feeling guilty to spoiled his plan because I couldn't able to say no to my sister.

Sara: I didn't know that you guys had any plan otherwise I wouldn't have bothered you. I'll say sorry to Ram, don't worry he won't be angry with you.

Priya: He is different from others, his priority is always family, and keeps everyone on top of his own wish. I'm also married and I have a family and own life like others.

Priya immediately left the bakery and came back home. She freshened up and sat on the balcony. She is always ready to help her sisters at any cost but today she got angry with Di. Is it because she also wanted to spend time with her husband?

She feels bad when Ram called her Sood but this is not completely wrong in so sense. Whenever she has to choose between her family and Ram, she always chose her family without fail. I understand his silence and his disappointment. I take him for granted because he never reacts to my actions and is always submissive. What's the difference between me and his family? we always ignore him and his happiness over our own beliefs. I hope he will not get tired of me and give up on my behavior.

It's me who always travestied him for small things, even for wasting water by a long shower and he tried to change his habit for me. He cleared the full loan amount but I'd chosen to keep the shop open to support my sister rather than closing for a day and go out with him for his happiness.

I gave a big lecture that he has overindulged his siblings whereas I'm letting my family do the same with me. How come he is wrong and my actions are correct? He never blamed me for anything, how?

After dinner, both decided to sit on the terrace a little bit and enjoy the starry night.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, I found you're a bit weird. How come someone stays calm in blood boiling situation and never gets angry easily?

Ram: The choices we make in anger cannot be undone. People can lose control in anger and hurt anyone, physical hurt and pain will diminish in a few days but your words can create a deeper scar in your heart which are not visible outside but will take longer to heal. Every time you utter careless words makes people love you a little less.

Priya: It's hard to believe you unless someone personally sees you.

Ram: Nobody wants to face my anger whoever witnessed it once. I lose my perspective completely and can do anything and destroy everything.

Priya: So your anger is more like a volcano and it will erupt when the core pressure reaches its threshold peak and will ash down everything behind.

Ram: Not bad Priya, I thought you resembled wildfire and I'm like monsoon rain. But you changed my theory.

Priya: If I can understand your love for rain then you better understand my pov.

Ram: You get wet with rain only, that's why you feel like this, but you will feel it as I do one day.

Priya: You're always happy and have no complaints. How?

Ram: Life is a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see.

My philosophy for life is simple, live your life with no regrets. We spend so much time comparing, worrying, and waiting for something bigger and better instead of focusing on all the small blessings that surround us every day. Life is so fragile and all it takes is a single moment to change everything you take for granted. Focus on what's important and be grateful for every small thing. 

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