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Ram slowly got better after 2 days and got his phone back from Priya. Ram checked his emails and messages. He had a few messages from the private detective who was hired by Adi to investigate the accident. He called that detective without any delay.

Mr. Dixit: I'd tried to contact you but your phone was unreachable. I checked the nearest toll gate cc tv footage and there wasn't any vehicle passed without a number plate. Maybe they diverted before the toll gate. This is the only place with cc tv within 50km range on that road.

Ram: Can I see the video footage?

Mr. Dixit: I'll arrange it and will call back. I want to check if your wife saw anyone's face.

Ram: She didn't mention anything about the driver to me. Let's keep her away from this unless absolutely needed. I don't want to tell anyone unless we got any solid proof. 

Mr. Dixit: My instinct is this is a preplanned accident, coincidence can happen once not twice. someone is trying to harm you or I would say want to kill you. 

Ram: Let's meet tomorrow at my office.

Mr. Dixit: Oh ok, I'll take a copy of the cc tv footage. In the meantime can you just think if there was any other clue for the car that will help us to find the accident car? Just be more vigilant towards your surrounding. They might attack you again

Ram: Sure, we'll discuss this further and see where it goes. 

Nandini went to Shubu's room and she knew how to manipulate Ram in their favor and kept him in the dark. 

Nandini: Shubu, did you apologize to Ram. You can't make him against us or make him angry

Shubu told everything that how he helped Ram Bhai that day in the office and he is not angry with him anymore.

Nandini: I think it will be better if you go to the office regularly for a few weeks and show him that you're interested in learning work. You know you can't hand the business without him and we need him for our safe future.

Shubu, you need to fake in front of Ram to stay in good books before Priya act against us.

Shubu: Okay Mom, I'm also thinking to go to the office tomorrow.

Nandini: Great, just keep eye on everything and inform me immediately.

Ram was worried about the unknown enemy and the consequences of the next attack. How will his family manage without him? what if their next target is his family? He can't let this happen to anyone in his family.

Priya came with soup for his dinner when he was engrossed in his thoughts. He settled down on the couch for dinner. She noticed that Ram was very tense and asked him after dinner.

Priya: Is everything ok?

Ram: Yes, everything is fine. We'll fix it together if something is wrong. 

Priya entwined her hand with Ram and said softly, you can share your problems with me. 

Ram: Yes there is something but can't share with you now. I'll seek your advice if needed. Hope history will not repeat itself, I can't lose anyone more.

Priya cupped his face and said no one will leave him alone. I'll be with you no matter what happens in the future. Ram hugged her tightly for a while. Priya understood that he is disturbed due to some reason but is not able to voice it.

Ram: I'll never let you go anywhere 

Priya: No one will leave you. We're family and will stay together and will resolve our issues together. 

Finally, Ram found someone in his corner who can stand with him in every situation and give support unconditionally. Ram admired her innocent look and softly moved hair strands from her face and kissed her forehead which turned her face little red.

Ram: I don't know what will I do without you? you're giving me solace and strength which I was missing for years. 

Priya: light kiss on his forehead and said everything will be ok. I'm with you in all your decision.

Priya wanted to distract him from his problems and change the topic.

Priya: By the way, there is something else that I wanted to discuss. You will follow a new diet chart going forward as per the doctor, no excuse and no junk food for you.

Ram: Food gives me comfort and you're asking me to stop all my fav food. How will I survive?

Priya: Don't be a Dramebaaz, only healthy foods are allowed. You promised me to do whatever I said.

Ram: Okay. I'll listen to you. Do I have any cheat days or not?

Priya: What? I've no hope that you can keep your promise when it comes to food.

Ram: No, don't challenge me. I'll prove to you that RK always keeps his promise.

Priya: I'll see and don't think that you can hide anything from me

Ram: I know you have your army in the office too. I never lost when someone challenged me.

Priya: Are you jealous of me that I stole your friend group?

Ram: Definitely not. I'm happy to see this bonding. In fact, I'm sorry, you've suffered because of me for the last few days. Please take some rest otherwise you'll be sick

Priya: With a smile, we'll take turns to be sick. Let's sleep now, it's getting late.

Ram was walking down memory lane and couldn't sleep due to restlessness. Priya noticed this and came closer to his bedside, caressed his head and he slept within a few minutes. The next morning Priya found that she was enveloped in Ram's arms, his one hand on her waist. She was smiling to see him sleeping peacefully. It gives her comfort with a homely feeling to his arm. She got up from the bed without disturbing him.

Ram went to the office after 3 days and Shubu also stayed in the office up to 6 pm just to impress Ram Bhai.

Mr. Dixit came to Ram's cabin and Ram recalled the event and got some clues about the car.

Ram: I remembered, the right backlight was broken and there was a specific sticker on the left corner of the back glass.

Ram and Mr. Dixit went through the cc tv footage carefully together and scanned each car passing through that tollgate that day.

Finally, they found the car and they can see the side view of the driver only.

Mr. Dixit: Now we know which car was involved in the accident and next is to find out all details about the car and its driver. We found one piece of evidence which may lead us in the right direction to the right person.

Ram: Let's find that driver first. It feels like the destiny is still far away

Mr. Dixit: My instinct is saying MS could be linked to the second accident or the person who gave the job to Mr. Sood.  Also, someone who is close to you or your family may be involved in your accident. So don't disclose anything to your family right now, we don't know who is your enemy.

Ram: Sure, I'll keep this within us. No third person. Why do you think Mr. Sood's involvement?

Mr. Dixit: You don't have any known enemy and there is no reason for MS to attack you unless someone planted him. A few years ago your dad dies in an accident and at that time also there were a few coincidences that happened. It looked like a preplanned one to me as well.

Ram: I'll talk to ACP and you can get details about dad's case. They won't reopen until we found concrete evidence for it.

Mr. Dixit: At some point, we need to involve your wife as well, she has seen the accidents.

Ram: Sure, we'll discuss this further and see where it goes.

Ram knows that if MS name comes into the picture again then Priya will feel embarrassed in front of the family and there will be big drama at home. He needs to keep this secret from Priya and his family. Is it just a business rival? Why will MS want to kill me for no solid reason? Maybe someone planted MS to do the job? zillions of questions swirling in my mind and no answers.

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