A Breath Of Fresh Air

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Ram and Priya continued their interaction that night

Priya: do you trust me as your wife?

Ram closed his eyes for a few seconds

Ram: Maybe I need solid ground for it. Sorry but you're so unpredictable that it's hard to trust you in certain cases.

Ram was waiting for her reaction

Priya: It's understandable.

Ram: I don't want to be rude but this is where I stand with you in our relationship

Priya: I appreciate that you didn't lie to me.

Ram: Sometimes I don't say the full truth due to circumstances but it doesn't mean I'm a liar.

Priya: Agreed, there is a fine line between lying and not telling the truth. I think this is one of the main reasons that could turn into a deal breaker for our relationship

Ram: possible unless we stay honest with each other. It's hard to trust someone who lies now and then. Trust can't build upon lies

Priya: Trust is important for any relationship and I have broken your trust many times.

I'll make up for my mistakes and will earn your trust again.

Ram: With a small smile, we have our whole life to know each other. Don't worry

It's quite late now, let's sleep. Good night

Priya: Good night Mr Kapoor

Its Sunday morning and everyone around the breakfast table

Ram: I'll be out of town for a few days

Bri: where?

Ram: I have got urgent work in Bangalore

Adi: You didn't tell me before. do you want someone to go with you?

Bri: Jaan, you and Priya both can get a break from this place.

Adi: That's a great idea!

Ram: But It's just 2 days business trip, not a holiday trip

Someone can stay here with Priya or maybe she can go to her house, I'll pick her up after my return.

Priya: Okay, what about Tarun? Is he going with you?

Ram: Of course, Tarun will go with me

Everyone smiled at Ram which leave Ram confused for a few seconds

Ram: fumbled and cleared his throat, he knows everything and I can't manage without him.

Priya: Isn't it obvious that Mr Ram Kapoor can't live a single day without Tarun

Vik: So true. Ram's first love is Tarun not food, no one can get close to him.

Kunal: Let's ship Ramun

Ram: chuckled, it's all happening because of Madam. You all are weird and crazy

Bri: You are the poor guy tortured by those mad people and looking for an escape route

Adi: Ram, I thought rain and me is your first love

Ram: I hate you Adi and rain too

Bri: Ram Kapoor will hate rain, no chance. not even in a dream

Ram: I'll prove to you that rain can not drench me again

Bri: You can feel loved when rain touches your skin and so so

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