Buckled Up

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Ram was busy in the office due to a new project and even work on weekends as well. He hardly spent any quality time with Priya which they both missed for the last 2 weeks. He thought about a holiday trip with Priya once they finish this project. It will be a surprise for her.

One day, Ram and Priya were in the meeting room and discussing with the client about project development along with the survey report. Later Ram explained the views of their client and gave some suggestions for possible improvement. After lunch, they discussed it with the team to finalise the design.

Ram: Good work team for finishing the work in one week. The design is good and matches with some of our criteria, just it's missing the essence. There is room for improvement and to make it better than the current plan.

There is no response from anyone for a while.

Priya can see that he is not happy with their progress at all but he is not lashing out or hurting anyone's feelings and putting his views with valid points. 

Ram: I can't approve it rather I want the team to rework it to meet all the requirements

They wrapped up the meeting with the team and they agreed to work on it and come back with a new plan in 2 days.

In the evening time at home, Priya sensed Ram's stresses and engaged him in the kitchen to distract him. She kept caressing his head followed by a soft kiss on his forehead after dinner and he slowly drifted to sleep on her lap. 

After 2 days, they again held the team meeting and the result was the same. He was frustrated as they might fail to deliver it to the client before the deadline.

Ram (with a defeated tone): This is good in a different way and it's not going to work for our client though. I would prefer the previous design if got only those two opinions. This project is very important for our company and can't take this kind of risk when my heart is not convinced.

Priya is fully aware of business risk because they both discussed this last night and she wanted to help him but don't sure how

Ram: We're stuck here and we can't finalise the plan and it will impact massively

Project mag: give us one more day and we will come up with another plan

Ram: Anyone other ideas?

Priya: Can we hire a private architect on a contract basis?

Ram: Yes, I'll talk to the finance team later and reestimate the budget and fit the additional cost. After all, it matters to our company's image.

Daniel: I know someone who is very good at design. I can approach her and find out the availability

Ram: That's great! Daniel, let's approach the architect ASAP and get some sample designs. 

Finally, Ram received the sample plan in 2 days and approved it immediately

Ram: Priya, can you take care of this and make sure the architect joins the next day?

Priya (rubbing his palm within her): Ram, don't worry, I'll handle it

The next morning team gathered for the meeting to discuss the plan, but the new architect is still late. They discussed other projects with investors along with went through the proposed amendment. 

Ram was about to leave the meeting room when suddenly the door was opened from the opposite side, and someone accidentally trip over and Ram caught her before she fell to the ground.

Ram saw the full face and before he could say anything she hugged him 

Ram(surprised and bewildered look): Butterfly...

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