Never Say Goodbye

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After one year... 

Ram renovated their house and added an extension for 3 additional rooms with a large living room.

Nandini was visiting them regularly and helped them with babysitting. She tried to relive the old life where everyone care and love each other and enjoyed family moments rather than shopping and partying.

The golden sunray was penetrating through the curtains and made the room bright, a little man put wet kisses on Ram's cheek.

Prateek: Da Da..

Ram kissed and tickled him, the room was filled with his laugh and giggle. This is their morning ritual and he swung junior on his leg every day.

Ram: Junior, let's go quickly otherwise your mama will scold me again.

They both went down for their breakfast where an intense gaze follow him and shooting daggers.

Priya: Mr Kapoor, you're spoiling my son's timetable and encouraging bad habits. You know how difficult it is for me in the morning when you went out of town.

Ram (with poppy eyes): This is your problem Priya, your legs are not strong as mine

Nandini: Oh my BFF, where is my morning kiss

Prateek jumped onto Nandini's arm and plastered her face with wet kisses and pointed his finger towards the garden door so that he can go and pay outside. 

Priya: Little devil can't speak more than dada.. mama...  but knows how to butter everyone and get things done without using a word.

Ram: After all, he is my son and you will see he will be in the number one position whatever profession he chose

Time flew fast and the silver moon alluring the valley and soft light penetrated into the room through tinted glasses. Tonight is very important for Raya and their families and friends.

A lean and perfect figure man wearing a white shirt, fingers buttoning his black coat and slowly went towards the stage to collect the award. 

His eyes have the depth of inviting everyone to drown in them and never come back. His eyes got magic, making it hard to preclude everyone's gaze.

He collected his award and thanked his employees, partners, family and friends and last but not least his love of life, Priya. 

Reporter: Mr Kapoor, we heard a lot about your love. Few lines for your wife

Ram: I like to keep my personal life private but wanted to say one thing to my wife, 

Falling for her wasn't difficult for me, it was like walking into a house and finding my home and my destiny. Every day I love you more and more and forever

Adi (whispered to Bri): Agreed, he was a lost child who finally found his home and happiness

Everyone turned to look at Priya and who was standing with happy tears, a proud wife. He came near the table and gave a side hug with a smile.

Ram's business was flying on the shore within three years and it touched sky-high and expanded his business in different cities as well. 

He acquired small companies and put his foot in other business spectra and was awarded Businessman of the year. 

Ram helped Aisha to get full custody of her daughter and was promoted to head of the design department.

Nandini was excited to see them at home after 3 days and she missed her grandson a lot. The moment they reached home, she cuddled her GS and enquired about Priya's well-being. All the time, Ram was standing there and watching this scene going on in the living room and sat next to Nandini.

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