Time To Take A Baby Step

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Priya was standing outside the room and her eyes filled with tears from hearing their conversation. She wanted to be at his side now and consolidate him but she can't go in front of him. 

Bri and Adi were still there to give the comfort that Ram needed and shoulders to lean on in his lowest time. Bri took a promise from him to never go anywhere without informing her.

Adi helped him to settle down in the bed and caressed him until he asleep

Priya broke in front of Bri after witnessing this. Bri hugged Priya and comforted her. It was tough for Priya as well and Bri was empathetic to her situation.

Bri: Priya, everything will be fine. Ram needed you most now. you've to be strong 

Priya: He clearly said that he doesn't want me in his life. 

Bri: The Foundation of Ram's life was shaken. A person who was idolized as a family man in his life is betrayed by his own family. He has done so many things just to keep his dad's promise & now he is left with no one. 

It must have hurt him beyond what we can imagine.

Priya: I don't want to hurt him or force him to stay in this relationship. I can't see him in this state either. I want to help him.

Bri: What Ram is missing all his life is love and care. 

Life is a journey with a series of baby steps. Your small baby step toward him will be great progress in your relationship and towards the happiness that you both deserve.

Priya: His trust is shaken and his core beliefs as well. I'll do everything to establish his trust back again.

I promised to bring back his smile and gave him all the happiness that he deserves. this time I'll not give up and leave him at crossroad.

Priya went to their room after finishing her dinner. She caressed Ram a little before going to sleep. 

Priya in mind, M Kapoor you might think that I'm weak and didn't fight for our relationship. But today everything changed, this is Priya Ram Kapoor and I can do anything for you. I love you truly deeply and madly. 

The next day morning, Ram was surprised to see Priya in the room. He asked them to go back home after breakfast as he wanted to stay alone. Adi and Bri head back without Priya.

Ram: Priya, you don't have to stay here

Priya: Cut him and said, I promised that I'll accompany you on the next trip. I don't break my promise. Even though you didn't think about me or my promise. 

Ram didn't argue with her but rather walk away silently. He went to take shower and back after 40min. 

Priya was standing near the bed and crossing her hand and looked a bit upset with Ram.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor from Bandra, how could you do this? How many times do I have to repeat myself?  

Ram was surprised and couldn't understand

Ram: What did I do?

Priya: Look at the clock, 1hr for a shower.  How much water and energy did you waste today? 

Ram: Actually, it's just 40min. I didn't realize the time. I'll adjust it next time. 

Priya: Do you know how much it will affect our environment? there won't be enough water for our next generation

Ram: I'll ask my engineers to come and put the solar panel as it's environment friendly. I'll reduce my shower time, ok madam

Priya: get ready quickly, I'm starving. its 11 am 

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