Silent Whisper

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Ram resumed his normal activity slowly and went to the office today after 4 days. Ram came back home around 8 pm after a long tiring day and had a small talk with Priya on Balcony.

Priya: How was your day?

Ram: quite busy and tiring

Priya (smiled ): That means it was good

Ram ( kept his hands on her shoulder): I can't deny that. What about you?

Priya: not exciting like you, tell me about the session

Ram: about therapist or therapy? 

Priya hit his arm and he scooped out a little. Ram cuddled her and told her everything that he discussed with Sarah in consulting room.

Ram: Can you wait until early next month for a follow-up session? I need to kick off the project by end of this month.

Priya: ok

Priya didn't argue with him about it and she knows how to convince him.

Ram(smiled and thinking): Priya agreed without fighting today, it's definitely a lucky day for you Ram

He hugged her tightly and stared at the deep sky. Priya reciprocated his hug

Ram: Priya, how do you feel staying at home 24/7?

Priya: honestly it's boring and thinking to look for a job

Ram: If you find a job somewhere else then we can move our house, not an issue.

Priya: Let me search in the local area first 

Ram smiled and took a pause, looking back into the sky to search for his answers

Priya: What are you searching for?

Ram: Nothing

Priya: There is a smile on your face

Ram (looked back to her): You look extra cute today, don't know why but I feel you're happy from inside after our vacation.

Priya (pulled his cheek with both hands): After all, you listen to me like a good boy.

Ram: Can we have dinner now? I'm hungry

Shortly, they both settled down on the bed after dinner  

Ram: Priya, I have to leave early tomorrow for a meeting 

Priya: Ram, you're not upset with me for booking the session

Ram: I'm not. Yesterday we discussed it. why are you thinking like this?

Priya: I booked the appointment without your consent because this is best for you, and best for us.

I want to live with you until my last breath and not with your memories. You need to be serious about your well-being before embracing this new life.

Ram can see the fear in her eyes for him. He understands the pain and fear of losing a loved one

Ram: Jaan, I completely understand your concern. I'll do everything that gives you assurance.

Priya was happy with his assurance and pulled the duvet on them

Priya: You'll do the same if you were at my place.

Ram embraced her in his arm and put a soft kiss on her hand and hold it tightly.

Ram (in mind): I'll hold this hand till eternity and want to close my eyes seeing your face

Ram: Good night Priya

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