A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

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At bedtime, Ram and Priya both slumped in the bed with heavy hearts and Priya kept her head on his arm and played with his buttons.

Ram: Priya?

Priya: Hmm...

Ram: I wanted to talk about Aisha, are you ok if...

Priya(looked at him): I don't have any problem if you're asking for my permission. She is your friend and we need to stand with her and support her in this difficult time.

Ram(kissed on her cheek): Thanks for understanding. My wife is the best in the world

Priya: what's your plan then?

Ram: I don't have any idea right now but I'll find out soon. We need to be extra careful. Let's sleep.

Priya (in mind): Ram clearly told me about their friendship but I got a different view. Why do I feel that Aisha liked him but he never understood her feelings? Vedika could be the one who came between them and played her card to break their friendship.

At the office on Monday, the whole day both Ram and Priya were busy with their work and couldn't able to find time to talk to each other. 

In addition to this Ram has to solve Aisha's problem which he already started on it. He made a few calls and asked his gang to help in this matter and informed them that Aisha will go back to Mumbai next week and they can discuss it further. 

At lunchtime, both Priya and Aisha were enjoying the food together along with their happy chat.

Priya: You must be a good student to do graduation from abroad 

Aisha: Ram was a topper in our batch. I was good but not a scholar  

Priya: Aisha, why did you leave college in your final year?

Aisha: I wanted to get my degree from a good university. I settled in UK permanently after marriage as Rajiv was working in the London branch. 

Priya: was it the only reason? you can trust me, I feel Vedika was behind it. She played her dirty game with us to break our marriage.

Aisha (with a surprised look): She will never change, selfish b*ch. You're right, it was Vedika. 

Vedika fought with me and blamed me that I was trying to snatch Ram from her. I never had any intention to do that but I guess she was jealous of me due to her own insecurities 

I decided to leave the city and stay away from them, all I wanted was Ram's happiness. So I ended our friendship without telling him anything about it and moved to the UK.

Priya (in mind): My assumptions were correct about it. 

Ram heard their conversation without their knowledge when he passes through the corridor and felt guilty about it. 

On midweek, Priya, Aisha and Mr Punit were checking the price and supplier details before they sign the contract with them and Ram saw them and left without disturbing them and passed the message about his departure off-site meeting. Both ladies sat in the room a little longer to enjoy the coffee time.

Aisha:  Priya, why are you upset?

Priya (annoyed face): Ram went out of the office without telling me

Aisha(with a smirk): Someone is missing her husband badly 

Priya: No, just worried that he didn't eat his lunch yet and needed his medicine in time too. What can I do with this man, so careless, irresponsible

Aisha: Never listen to his excuses and don't let him go easily. The wife needs to be strong to stand her ground against the husband if needed. Please don't repeat the mistakes that I did in my life

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