Time Has Frozen

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The following day after that blissful night, the birds chirped in the back gander and the sunlight fell on her face which broke her sleep. She opened her eyes in his embrace and admired him who was looking more handsome sleeping with his messy hair. His left hand was around her waist to protect her, he is her sleeping beauty. 

Priya (in mind): My life is nothing less than a roller coaster ride. I had experienced many things which shattered me inside.

I never thought marriage would change my life like a beautiful morning raga. I've my loving husband beside me who loves me unconditionally. I'll love him till death apart from us. Though I'm not his first love but the last one for sure. Our life changed in a good way like a fairytale. One day prince charming came like a hurricane and pull me out of my doom. We'll live happily ever after, we'll take every step of our life together and support each other in every rough and patchy path. 

With a big smile on her face, she looked into his cute face and arose a strong urge to kiss his pout. 

Priya(again in mind): A peck won't disturb his beauty sleep 

Priya facepalmed with her own thoughts but finally listen to her heart and slowly leaned close to his face, she can feel his hot breath. He opened his eyes when she gently brushed his lips with hers. 

Priya (shyly looked away): I need to get ready

Ram(pulling her close and with a husky voice): You can't go my love. You have to complete whatever you started 

Priya: You look extra cute while sleeping, that's not my fault.

Ram(flipped and hovered over her): Now you can get down from bed when I get my kiss. 

Priya gave a small peck which didn't satisfy the hungry kid and he started complaining. She sealed his lips with hers and started their morning with a sweet moment. They broke apart when they were out of breath.

Ram (with a grumpy face): I don't want to go to the office today. 

Priya(rolled her eyes to see his childish behaviour): You can stay at home but I'll go to the office to attend the meeting with our investors

Ram(sad face): You're a mood spoiler. I want to spend time with my wife 

Priya (deadly glare at him ): Ok, get ready quickly. We can come back early today 

Ram's mood lights up upon hearing this and buried his desire under his wife's glare

They both went to the office after their breakfast and got busy with their respective work. They came back home by 6 pm and settled down in their room. 

Ram: Priya, where are you with your writing? You didn't tell me the full story yet

Priya (with a smile): Yes, it's done. I need to include a prologue and epilogue only.

Ram: Congratulation on finishing your story. I can't wait to read your book.

Ram picked up her laptop and asked for the password to open it.

Priya(with a wicked smile): You can't read now until you give me my surprise gift

Ram: Gift?

Priya: You promised to give me a surprise when I finish writing. 

Ram: Oh yes, let me think.. what do want?

Priya: I need something special from you that I'll always remember

Ram: First time my wifey is asking for a gift with full rights and demand. I can't think off

Priya: This is not the first time though

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