Let Bygones Be Bygones

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Ram and Priya both were in the car and heading back home. Ram was surprised by Priya's interest in his past life and relationship with Vedika.

Ram took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second to compose his words.

Ram: Not every love story ends with a happy ending. For me, it was love at first sight when saw her in college. She was Bri's classmate and Bri and Vedika both were close friends and we met regularly. For me, she was perfect in all aspects with whom I would love to spend the rest of my life. We started our relationship as friends and then I confessed my love on the 18th bday and she accepted it. We started dating each other and she asked her parents to give me some time to establish myself after college.

The table turned after dad's death and she broke up with me after 8 months. Vedika told me that I can't prioritise her over my family responsibilities. Her parent couldn't wait anymore and they wanted her to move on with Sashi as he can give her a stable life. 

I accepted her decisions because all I wanted was her happiness and comfort which Sashi can fulfil it. She was brought up in a luxury lifestyle and I wasn't in that position to fulfil it.

I had family responsibilities after dad and along with establishing my business and handling financial crises. My love wasn't worth enough that can hold her back and wait for me for years. I failed to give her the financial security that every girl wanted in their life. 

That day I understood that Love is not enough, money is far more important to keep your loved one closer. People may stay with me if I've enough money and am able to fulfil their demands.

Priya can understand the insecurity and pain that he buried deep down in his heart. He kept everyone's happiness over him. That's why he maintained his friendship with Sashi and Vedika. No grudge no anger, just pure love.

Priya: It was Vedika's bad luck that she chose Sashi. But I was lucky enough to catch it.

You're giving an example of love which can be selfless in sense of being benevolent and generous.

Ram gave a weak smile and drove back home. 

The next morning, Priya was lost in thoughts when Ram call her

Ram: Priya? Priya?

Priya's trance broke with Ram's 2nd call.

Ram: It looks like you're in deep thought.

Priya: Yes, actually I was thinking about yesterday's incident. 

They have 2 kids but both were living alone and no one is here to look after them. What would have happened if we were not at home? 

Ram:  Mrs Khanna would have called an ambulance and they might reach in hospital 1-2 hr late. 

Think about the worst possibility, what if Mr Khanna was living alone in that house?

Priya: This would have been awful, how long can he wait to go to the hospital

Ram: This is the harsh reality of our society that old parents have to live alone.

Ram kept a small packet on the table.

Ram: Anyway, I've got your nuptial chain fixed. 

Priya: Thanks

Ram: I'll be out of town and will be late home today. I'll try to come early but don't wait for dinner tonight

Ram left home for a meeting and back around 10 pm. He was exhausted and took a shower before dinner. Ram went for a small walk with Joe as he missed it in the morning hour.

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