Unconditional Love

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Ram and Priya continued their conversation, she wanted to dig out the whole truth.

Priya: Ram, stop your lame excuses. I want to know everything

Ram: I'll tell you but not now, some other day

Let's sleep it's late now, tomorrow I've got an important meeting.

Priya: Not until you tell me the truth, You're not good at lying. 

Ram: You know that I'm not ready to tell you. why are you forcing me?

Priya: I've every right to know about my husband 

Ram: I love you and that's the beginning and end of everything

Priya: I love you too! 

We have seen what happened in past when I hid things from you. I want transparency between us. 

Ram (with a sigh ): Okay, I came to know that my maternal family hate my dad and they blamed my father for my mother's death. There wasn't enough evidence to prove it in court but they claimed that dad bribed the defence lawyer to get out of that legal case

As per them, my dad never loved her the way he claimed to the world and he intentionally neglected my mom and let her die so he could marry his lover. 

Priya (with a shocked expression): What? Did you believe it?

Ram (pinch in his heart): Of course not, but it hurts when anyone points fingers towards my dad and questioned his loyalty and his character. I wanted to keep the sweet loving memories of my parents in my heart rather than tarnish images. 

Priya: Who told you? How did you know this?

Ram: I hired a private investigator to find out about my mother's family background. It was an unexpected outcome and quite unpleasant for me too. I stopped this investigation further after he reported this to me. 

Priya: There was no need to hide it from me, I'll never judge you based on your past. Why didn't you tell me?

Ram (closed his eyes for a moment): I know you but at that time I was scattered and lost, you can't imagine how I manage to stand again. I decided to bury it away from our life.

There wasn't any evidence with me to prove my dad's innocence to them and you. I didn't want you to hate or compare my dad with Mr Sood. 

Priya: I heard a lot about dad, people love and respect him. He was an honest and loyal man. This could be a rumour spread by a business rival and some close who wanted to take revenge on him. 

Priya: What was the last information from that investigation? 

Ram wasn't shocked by Priya's indirect question as she knew him very well and he felt a burning pain inside him to tell the cruellest truth about his past life, his original identity

Priya (in mind): There could be a bigger truth which is still holding it, this is nothing that he couldn't share with me earlier.

Priya: Is there anything else that you are still holding and want to share with me?

Ram(with a loud sigh ): I'm not what you or everyone think, I believed this without knowing my original identity and lived for 40yr. 

Priya: what do you mean?

Ram (lump in his throat): I'm not a real Kapoor, I'm not his biological son. My dad is not my...

Suddenly there was tension in the air and he felt a lack of oxygen in that place. It was hard for him to breathe. Priya held his palm between her when he was unable to complete his sentence. 

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