Bound Together By Heart

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The next morning, the sun pecked through the curtains and kissed her skin. Priya opened her eyes and found she was caged tightly in his arm. She wanted to stay in the bed longer and feel his warmth. She was smiling in her mind thinking about the night and caressing his face.

Ram woke up shortly and she turned her face opposite and smiled shyly. He hugged her from back brushed his nose in her neck crook. 

Ram (hovered over her): Mrs Kapoor, no need to shy from your husband. Your shyness and blush affect me badly and I don't want to hurt you 

Priya (eyes hold only passion and love): You can't hurt me

Ram turned her face and gave her a peck which left a lingering smile on their face. They ended with a desperate lingering kiss to meet their hunger, he pulled away to ask her when she sound hiss due to discomfort. 

Ram(with a worried face): Are you ok? any pain

Priya: I'm fine, just a little sore which is common for every woman

Ram rubbed his nose into her and put a forehead kiss

Ram (with a subtle smile): Thanks for sharing a blissful night with me, I can't forget this night in my life

Priya (with a smile): Thanks for coming into my life and loving me. This is no more namesake marriage and we accepted each other in every sense.

Ram: We were entangled together by fate but now bound together by heart and soul

Priya: It's already 8 am, I need to get ready  

Ram (held her hand): You stay in the bed 

Ram went to the bathroom and finished his routine quickly. Priya got down from the bed and leaned her head on him.

Ram (caressed her back): Priya, I put some warm water in the bathtub with Epsom salt and essential oil, it will relieve your soreness and body pain. 

Ram picked her up in his arm and took her to the bathroom. Priya smiled and kissed his cheek before he left the bathroom. Ram went down and helped Tarun to prepare Sunday breakfast. 

Priya enjoyed her bath and soaked her body in warm water to heal her soreness. Priya got ready and went down and joined them at the dinner table. 

Ram: How are you feeling now?

Priya: Much better 

Ram: Do you want to take a rest or go out to Tibba Hill?

Priya: Let's go out, I want to enjoy this beautiful weather

They both went out after finishing their breakfast. By the time they reached it was overcast partially and the sun pecked through the clouds momentarily. 

They enjoyed the surroundings with the chilled breeze and got a glimpse of the majestic landscape with a white crown. 

They drove back home as it started to sleet slowly and don't want to get sick this winter.

Ram (quick glance at her): In the hassle of everyday work I couldn't take you anywhere recently, not even at weekends. Sorry for not giving you my full attention for the past weeks.

Priya (with a smile): That's ok, this project is very important for our company. If the boss will ignore his work and take holidays then the staff will follow the same. nobody will be serious about their work.

Ram: Forget about the office, I would love to go somewhere again and spend quality time with you.

Priya (with a subtle smile): I had the best weekend after a long time. I'll consider this as compensation for your negligence for the past weeks, no need to put in the extra effort.

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