Tint of Life

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At Landour, they came back home on the weekend and Ram switched on his mobile and laptop to check emails and messages. He made a few calls and organise meetings for Monday where as Priya was busy in the kitchen.

Ram saw Priya in the kitchen and hugged her from back and wrapped his hand around her waist. He dipped into the crook of her neck and kept brushing his nose on her shoulder blade. 

He started sloppy kisses on her nape which created a sensation in her body and she was lost in a pool of desire. Priya controlled her mind and jerked to get out of his clutch. 

Priya: I'm preparing our meal here and you're disturbing

Ram: Sorry but no sorry. You carry on your cooking and I'll continue mine, I mean focus on my beautiful wife

Priya: you're distracting me

Ram( crooked his one eyebrow ): are you affected by my presence or by my touch

Priya: both, you'll mess the whole place in the name of help. Now keep your hands out of me. I'm not in the mood to fight with you.

Ram (with a smirk): I didn't know that my wife is affected by me so much. I can create ad-hoc sensations in her body but you don't want to admit it. 

Priya: Mister, your honeymoon period is over. wasn't that enough for you?

Ram: I wish we could stay a little longer and share tints of my love. I missed my bold wife 

Priya: Just giving you a reality check. It would be better if you come back from your La la land soon.

Ram (scooped closer ): I can't get enough of you, Jaan. My heart wants more as I still feel parched for you and your love. 

Priya pushed him a little and pointed the knife towards him

Priya: Oh my romantic husband, stop your cheesy lines. It's not a stupid movie 

Ram: Wifey, you're so unromantic. I thought you'll be bored here all alone and need your husband

Priya: I know you very well and I'll not fall into your honey trap. Let me do my work if you don't want to be killed by me

The knife dropped from her hand with a jerk when he pulled her closer and diminish all their gap

Ram( fake sad face): My love makes you feel like a trap, so disappointing. There is no way out from my cage and you're trapped for a lifetime.

Priya: Of course, you want to be a clingy husband now and then. After a while, you'll be bored of me. 

Ram: Never think that I'll be bored making love with you. 

Priya: Ram, Leave me now

Ram: Wifey, I can't leave you now nor in future

Priya: Ram, I'm hungry and my tummy is grumbling

Ram (with an innocent face): Oh sorry Jaan, why didn't you tell me before? I'll prepare the veg sandwich for you quickly. 

Ram quickly prepared one sandwich and fed her while she was cooking the Biriyani and chilly Mushroom for lunch

Priya: Thanks

Ram: You're welcome wifey. One thing I understand today, a hungry wife is more dangerous than a lion. 

Priya: Be ready for the consequences of your actions. I'll strike back

Ram (with a wink): I didn't know your naughty side. I'm ready for your punishment

Priya: Punishment?

Ram (with a pause after looking into her confused face): You know what I mean by punishment

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