Edge of Knife

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In a series of flashbacks, Priya joined all the dots together to make the picture of Ram and Vedika's past. He told on the first date, he still loves Vedika and can't love anyone else in his life. Even Vedika has a soft corner for him or even likes him. She is getting divorced from Sashi. 

But, Ram promised on their wedding day that he will not leave her, not now or never. He also told me that I'm his present and future, maybe he wanted to stay in this marriage only for Shivi. He is a giver who always keeps everyone on top and can do anything with a cut of his own wishes. 

Given a chance, he might choose Vedika his true love in his life again. He is not like that rotten Neeraj. He didn't tell me the truth but he is not a liar. He will never hurt me intentionally. She is confused about where they are after 4 months of marriage.

 He has done a lot for me and for my family. I want him to live his life for himself and be happy in a real sense, not pretense. I can't let him come closer to me or get attached, it will hurt me more if he will leave me in the future. He needs a fair chance and should be free to choose between his present and past without being entangled with me.

Priya was sobbing and thinking, her father's curse finally bites her and she will never be happy in her life if Ram leaves. I feel like walking on a knife-edge. It's my destiny, devoid of love.

Ram back from the office and freshened up quickly. Priya was waiting for him to discuss with him after dinner.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, we need to talk and clear all our doubts and avoid any misunderstanding in the future.

Ram: Sure Priya, I'm eagerly waiting for your decision

Priya: Mr. Kapoor. I had some doubt about Vedika due to her behavior in past but ignored it earlier. 

Ram: I know sometimes she was too possessive and crossed her lines many times

Priya: I knew about your past from the first date and we got married with my consent. We both had a past that can't be changed or forgotten completely, I've accepted it gracefully. You didn't trust me to disclose Ex's name and disrespect our relationship but I trust you.

Ram: Thanks for understanding. We can't move to a new chapter in life if we keep looking back.

Priya: That's true, we will stay true to our relationship as you promised. There will be respect, care, everything in our relationship except love. We will never involve love in our marriage as you promised. We'll stay true to ourselves.

Ram: ohh ok.. Perfect! Thanks for reminding me again.

Priya knew that her words hurt him but this needed to be brought out to understand their dynamics. His promise is the shackle of their relationship, can't move on without breaking it.

Ram left the room immediately giving an excuse that he had to call Adi. Priya can see the pain in his eye but he told her this. She was not expecting anything from this marriage and they started the relationship with zero expectations. She believe its not her fault and decided to remain as friend without being attached to him. I'm strong enough to handle any situation alone and somehow if their marriage won't work then she can still go back to her old life. 

Ram was hurt by her words, Priya has erased all their memories and their growth in the relationship in the past few months. Somehow, he knew Priya's reaction. Nothing new, again she went back into her shell and he won't force her to come out rather will wait for her to open up herself. Anyway, this marriage is still for name shake for her, forget about anything else. It felt like she pushed me towards the edge of a knife and waiting to fall out. 

Ram, it's heartbroken that she wanted to withdraw from me and it's not her fault rather her bitter past. Anyway, I'll continue to do the husband's duty without any expectation from this marriage as she is devoid of power to love. I am the Ram Kapoor who reached the sky limit on business and never failed to impress people in the business world but always faced failure in personal life and relationships. Let me focus on where I can win rather waiting for summer rain.

Ram finished his work and then went to bed on his side and slept without expecting a bright day as they are back to square one. Last few months he started to live his life. But going forward he will move with the flow and will continue  without interfering with each other. 

They both were living under the same roof and sharing a room but they were miles apart. Ram and Priya back to their old life style, they behave like nothing happened. They both were dying to talk each other but no one initiating it. No one can read Priya's emotion behind the face where as Ram has a fake smile on face but it was missing that charms and allure. 

Nowadays ram's gang never asked about his personal life or Priya. They don't want to hurt ram anymore. The whole gang was in Adi's house except Ram as he was out of town today.

Adi: Ram always trusted Priya blindly and understood her every action even standing against his own family. Ram forgave her for shivi's elopement, hid MS truth to protect Neeraj. He was hurt a hell lot even though he said otherwise. I'd seen there was a change in Priya's behavior towards Ram and he was very happy with her. But I don't know what happens to Priya, why she is doing this to Ram.

Bri: It was all my fault. I'd pushed Ram into this mess and gave him pain unknowingly. Ram wasn't happy before and was broken inside and his family and Vedika always used him and emotionally abused him. They never loved or cared about Ram, Priya is nothing less.

Kunal: Bri please don't blame yourself as we all agreed with you that time. We saw the changes in Ram after Priya came into his life. He was alone and finally, someone was there in his corner with whom he can share or talk. Priya took care of Ram during his sickness and wait for dinner late at night. That's why Ram was happy for a few months and left office early.

Vicky: Ram is very emotional and gets attached to people very quickly as he feels lonely and believes everyone quickly. That's why Ram always ended with heartbreak as people will take advantage of your goodness. Being too kind and forgiving is never good for anyone. Ram's problem is he is too giving and forgiving person.

Last time we stood with Ram to recover after Vedika's breakup and we will do the same this time. No matter if family or Priya supports him or not, we will be there for him always like friends forever. Ram Kapoor is emotional but very strong-minded and stubborn from the inside and can fight with the whole world if needed.

They were fully aware of Ram's situation and decided to make him happy at least on the Holi. We will bring color and fun back to his life. At least they can do this little thing for their best friend.

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