Tip Of The Iceberg

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Ram came back from the office early to surprise Priya today. He slowly moved to the kitchen silently 

Priya (without looking behind ): Ram, you're early home today

Ram(surprised look ): What? I thought I'll surprise you. how did you know that I'm here

Priya (with a lingering smile): My sixth sense is very strong

Ram: Hmm... sixth sense is one of my fav movies. So you can see ghosts, right?

Priya (with a smirk): Not all the ghosts but few 

Ram: So I'm a certified ghost now. 

Priya: Of course

Ram: Wait one second... you recognised me by my cologne

Priya: Stop using this strong smell and use my soft and flora note perfume which is more suitable to your personality

Ram came close from the back and put his hand on her shoulder and swirled her gently towards him, her hands on his chest

Ram ( made a frown face): You've found another problem with me. mocking me for being soft. Not fair ma'am

Priya: I didn't say it's bad rather if you want to surprise me then change your usual one

Anyway, Your bestie Joe informed me when you reached our gate.

Ram: Gotcha, unnecessarily I was giving credit to you.  I'll go and get change quickly before Mr Khanna comes here. 

Priya: Okay, snacks will be ready in 10min.

Ram sat in the living room while waiting for Khanna but Mrs Khanna came there with Arsa

Ram: Priya, I brought some sweets but don't remember the names. There is an additional packet for Mr and Mrs Khanna

Priya (with a smile): Okay, I'll give it to aunty

Mrs Khanna: This one is Singha my fav and another one is Bal Mithai, thanks 

Ram called Joe and went out for a walk with Mr Khanna.

After returning, Ram changed his night clothes with 2 buttons opened accidentally and glued to his phone. Priya was drooling in her charming handsome man.

Tarun: Bhabhi, should I plate for dinner

Priya chided herself for being so stupid and nodded yes, they all had dinner silently and Priya slept early.

The next day evening, Ram came back from the office and Priya was out of the zone at that time

Ram: Priya, are you ok? you're not responding to me

Priya: I'm ok

Ram: Are you sure? I don't look though

Priya(took a pause for min ): Can I work with you?

Ram: Of course but I thought you liked your profession. what about your book writing

Priya: I prefer to work with you instead of at college and I'll write in my free time.

Ram: You have to wait until everything is ready for you. Till then you can focus on your story writing.

Priya: ok

At the weekend Raya went out for shopping and dinner. They met Ram's college friends Vivek and Sweta. They all spend time together talking about college-time stories and came back home.

Ram noticed Priya for 2/3 days, she looked lost and not herself. In the evening time, they both sat in the garden and Priya kept her head on his shoulder while Ram was caressing her back.

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