Family Reunion

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The next day morning Ram left the house around 10 am for an urgent meeting but promised to return back soon.

Sara and Sandy came down to Landour and Priya couldn't believe her eyes and got another surprise, now she realised why Ram said that tomorrow will be a long day. 

It's like a family reunion and they all were waiting for Ram to come back home.

Sandy: Ram Jiju sent the message with the address yesterday and also booked the flight ticket for us.

Priya: Happy to see you after a long time. It's not even 3 months but feels like a year

Sara: We missed you a lot

Priya (in mind): Ram invited my siblings here on weekend, Ram never failed to enthral me. Is he thinking that I'm not happy with him? 

Everyone kept talking about all that happened in their life in Mumbai. Priya shared her part of the story too and they were sad to know about Ram but happy that she is supporting him.

Shivi: Pri Di, Ram Bhai changed a lot 

Priya: I know and I am glad that he has accepted and adapted to his situation very well.

Akki: Priya, you look a bit weak, is everything ok?

Sara: You're right, your face turned pale 

Shivi: Pri Di wasn't well when I came yesterday

Priya: Yesterday I had nausea but today I'm much better. I didn't sleep well last night too

Sandy: That means Ram Jiju doesn't take care of our Di, I'll complain

Ram entered the room after his meeting and it was literally full, everyone was making big noise and the house was full of happiness after a long time.

Sara: Ram, what happened to you? I thought only Priya is looking dull and weak but you too

Ram: Just you didn't see us for a few days that's why

They settled in the garden with food and drinks, talking happily and sharing the missing life 

Mr khana came for an evening walk but found that there are some new faces. Ram introduced everyone and join them for short time.

Mr khana: Ram forgot to ask, how are you and Priya now?

Ram (looked at Priya and then with a pause): We both are fine, thanks again for your help.

Akki: what did happen?

Ram: nothing major, Priya was lost in the jungle and wolves attacked. So small scratches and bruises. we both are fine now. Don't worry

Mr Khanna left the gang soon without disturbing their family time

Shivi: I'm really angry that neither of you came to our housewarming Ceremony nor my birthday. I messaged you both but ignored our invitation

Akki: We need compensation for it

Priya: What do you want?

Shivi: You and Bhai will come and stay with us for a few days

Priya (with a smile ): Of course but once everything settled down here. I wanted to see how Shivi decorated the house.

Ram (changed the topic ): Shivi, what's your plan for your first marriage anniversary

Shivi: Akki arranged a holiday trip to Manali as a mini honeymoon and we'll throw a family party at home. This time you both have to come 

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