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Meera was overwhelmed to see Priya and hugged her tightly. They apologized to Priya and were sorry for their behaviour that day.

Sara: Happy to see you but surprised that you're not angry

Priya: Mr Kapoor convinced me to come here and explain my family's pov

Meera: We're lucky that Ram is your husband

Priya: Can't agree more. 

Sara: You sound like Ram's wife more

Priya: I'm proud to be called Mrs Kapoor rather than Ms Sood.

Sara: You've changed a lot

Priya: That day was a bad day but a turning point in my life which gave me clarity.

Meera: clarity on what Bachee?

Priya: I feel guilty because of my family and my actions. I let him down in our relationship. But I've decided to change myself and focus on my relationship only. 

Sara: We can't control everything but we can try to move on from the bitter past 

Priya: Exactly, no point in discussing it or spoiling our mood.

Priya informed them about the court case verdict.

They all were happy and excited about Priya and Ram's reconciliation. 

Priya shared their photos and videos from the trip, they can see the glow and happiness on her face.  

Sara: Are you both planning to stay in the farmhouse permanently?

Priya: No Di, he is looking for temporary accommodation and then a permanent residence.

Sara: That means you will leave Mumbai. It will be difficult to see you. Why can't you stay here for a few days?

Priya: No, I can't leave him alone.

Sara: What about your job then?

Priya: I've given my resignation letter and it wasn't difficult for them to accept it as its summer holiday time. 

Sara: Ram will support and take care of you. Just focus on your marriage

Priya: I want to spend some quality time with him and understand him better

Sara: You guys are planning for a long honeymoon 

Priya: Our relationship is not normal like others, my marriage is extended to 3/4 months only and wanted to rebuild our bond. 

Sara: I'm sure Ram wanted this marriage too and most important you both love each other.  

Priya smiled at Sara's comment but kept silent. She spent a good time with her family by chit-chatting with her sisters the whole day and enjoying a family meal together.

Priya in mind, Mr Kapoor was correct, I was angry but feeling much relieved after coming here. 

They all wanted me to stay happy and their priority is just me. I'm disappointed with my family due to their behaviour towards my husband but I love them. 

Ram was busy with his meetings and additional work to finalize legal matters before he left the city. Also, he has to sort out Shivi and Akki's relocation so that they can stay happily without any disturbance.

Ram came to Sood's house around 10 pm to pick up Priya. He was welcomed by Junior Sood Sandy.

Priya: Without any delay, Mr Kapoor you're late. I'm ready, let's go 

They asked Ram to join the family dinner but he softly declined their offer and headed back to Farmhouse. 

Ram and Priya both were listening to some beautiful old songs in the car.

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