Dredge up the past

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Shubu has started to attend the meetings and carefully watched Ram's activities. He never noticed how much work Ram does in the office, non-stop meetings, and discussions. He was completely drained by 4 pm but Ram was still working with a smile on his face and welcoming everyone. Now he realized why people appreciate him so much and RK is an inspiration for so many people, he is one of them now. 

One day Shubu came to Ram's cabin to discuss his project and after a few minutes, Tarun entered the cabin with a lunchbox and started arranging a lunch for Ram.

Shubu: hmm. It smells nice. 

Tarun: Priya Bhabhi has sent Ram sir's favorite Biriyani for lunch today 

Ram: Shubu, do you want to try some? 

Shubu: I'm ok, Bhabhi has sent this for you.

Ram: There is plenty and it's more than enough for the two of us.

Shubu: Ok, I'll have some.

Ram forwarded the plate to Shubu that Tarun just prepared.  Adi joined a little late and Ram shared his food with Adi happily. They enjoyed their lunch together after a long time.

Adi: We have got a meeting with Mr. Ahujha this at 7 pm. I'm not 100% sure about this project as it has a lot of legal complications.

Ram: Forward all the details to Vicky, he can confirm if we can go ahead with it or not. But let's just listen to him first and then will make a decision. 

Shubu: Bhai, how can you work for so long? normal people get tired by working 9 to 5.

Ram: If I've to work only for me then 9 to 5 is enough. But I've to work for my family and for the whole company as well. We set an example to our staff, as a company CEO if I won't be sincere then other staff also follow the same path. Our company's growth will determine not only our future but also our employees. Growth doesn't come with a single action. It is the consequence of persistence dedication and hard work.

Shubu: make sense.

Ram: You need to be aware of everything and instruct the team as per project demands and keep eye on the market what's happening around the corner. 

Adi: Don't worry, you don't have to take any extra burden as we all are here to help out. 

Shubu: will take leave now, thanks for the lovely lunch. speak to you later

Ram stayed in the office a little longer to wrap up his meetings and went home at 11 pm. Ram shared all that happened in the whole day with Priya.

Ram: Thanks Priya, I'm so happy to see the genuine changes in Shubu's behavior and his interest in the business. It feels like my little brat becomes a grown-up man.

Priya: I feel he is the same from inside and out, a straightforward person, and I like that. Sometimes too much sweet will spoil the kid's growth. Let's treat them like an adult who can take responsibility and stand on their feet.

Ram: Agreed. I'm here to support Shubu in every step and will guide him through potholes in his journey.

Priya: Of course, family meant to help each other

Ram: I think I should appoint you as my personal advisor, what do you think?

Priya: I'm very smart and intelligent compared to your other staff including you. So I need to negotiate with you for a better deal. After all, I'm a famous businessman's wife. I need a better package for my new role.

Ram: I'll agree with all your demands without a second thought.

Priya: How can you be a good businessman who agreed to all terms and conditions without thinking much? 

Ram: I can't lose you at any cost as you will be the best asset to our company. I'm a businessman and know how to get the max profit from my investment. 

Priya smiled at his joke and felt blessed at seeing her husband's trust and belief in her. She will continue to work on his dysfunctional family which looks like a beautiful house from the outside but is deserted from the inside where everything is broken, she will make sure that Shubu and Shivi respect him and let them understand his selfless love.

One day after dinner, Ram was looking for his missing SD card in the wardrobe and couldn't find them on his side. Priya moved him aside with a tired look, she put all the stuff outside from her drawers.

Ram: Priya, You always taunt me that I'm not keeping things tidy. Today I came to know that my wife is a lover of junkyards,  you securely kept all your antique stuff in the wardrobe to create your own junkyard.

Priya: Actually, most of the things belonged to Meera maa and got them from MS house. Maa will be sad to see those, that's why brought all the stuff here with me.

Ram saw the same car number plate inside her stuff, and couldn't able to believe his eyes. His heartbeat increased 100 times for a while and tears dropped from his eyes. He didn't know how to process it and he agonized so much that left the room by giving an excuse for a phone call. Priya found the SD card and put the stuff back where it was. Ram came back to the room a little late but couldn't sleep that night, the number plate is dredged up his past. His life changed forever after that incident and still, he is searching for answers about that.

The next morning, Ram got ready for the office early. His mind is occupied with his dad's accident since last night. How can it end here in his room? he was unaware of it. He can't ask Priya directly as it's related to his dad's death.

Priya noticed Ram's absence mind and asked if everything ok or not?

Ram: all ok Priya, nothing to worry about it. Can I ask you something?

Priya: yes sure

Ram: what does Mr. Sood do for a living? Any job, business

Priya: Actually Mr. Sood was driving a lorry a long time back and then stopped. He is working under a businessman for the last few years, I'm not sure. Why are you asking? Any problem

Ram: Not really. Just curious to know what kind of job Mr. Sood doing, he is surrounded by what kind of people. Just thinking if I can engage him in my workplace so that I can understand him more.

Priya: I don't want you to think about Sir much. He is not worthy of your kindness.

Ram: Ok 

Ram had a strong feeling that MS might be that puzzle that he was looking since the last 15 years. There could be a link that will lead to his dad's death history and he will keep this secret with him for now.

Ram left the house without breakfast and couldn't able to concentrate in the office either. He left the office without informing anyone. He couldn't believe that his search came to end in this drastic way. Priya's father involved in his dad's death to some extent. How can I behave normally after knowing this truth? It's difficult for him to accept this truth and don't know how to handle this situation when the truth will come out 

Priya went to the bakery in the afternoon while Sara was busy preparing 100 cupcakes for a client.

Priya: Di Sorry, I overreacted that day and left the bakery without listening to you.

Sara: No Priya. in fact, I'm sorry for ruining your and Ram's day due to my selfish reason. I know Ram is always busy with office work and looking after his family matters and also sometimes helping us as well. His workload has increased after marriage and every husband wants to spend some quality time with his wife. He managed to find some free time on Sunday but it was spoiled by me unintentionally.

Priya: That's ok, he never complains about anything rather very supportive and understands my situation.

Sara: You're lucky to find a partner like Ram. 

Priya: Di, I'm afraid of this newly found happiness in my life, it never stays with me very long due to our Papa's curse. His evil eye always reaches into my small world and destroys everything like a hurricane. 

Sara: May God protect your relationship from every evil eye all the time.

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